strToUtf8($word); $xfst_path = "/spd25/htdocs/hyperlex2/nahuatl/xfst_dir/xfst -utf8 -e 'loadd SurfaceForms.fsm' -e 'regex GlSR;'"; $command = $xfst_path." -e 'apply up $word' -stop"; unset($parse); exec($command,$parse); //$result = utf8_decode(trim($parse[3])); $result = $utfConverter->utf8ToStr(trim($parse[3])); if($result != "") { $command = "/spd25/htdocs/hyperlex2/nahuatl/xfst_dir/xfst -utf8 -e 'loadd SurfaceForms.fsm'"; //$command = "xfst -utf8 -e 'loadd SurfaceForms.fsm'"; $command .= " -e 'regex GlUR;' -e 'apply down $result' -stop"; unset($parse); $foo = exec($command,$parse); $temp = $parse[3]; /* foreach($parse2 as $p) { echo utf8_decode($p)."
"; } */ if($temp != "") { echo ""; echo "Parse: $temp "; echo ""; } echo ""; echo "Gloss: $result "; echo ""; $parts = explode("-",$result); $index = count($parts)-2; $results[0] = $parts[$index]; echo ""; echo "Verb stem: ".$results[0].""; echo ""; //$verbstem = $results[0]; echo $verbstem; if($index == 1) { echo ""; $results[1] = "intrans"; echo "Part of speech: Intransitive Oapan verb"; echo ""; } else if($index == 2) { echo ""; $results[1] = "trans"; echo "Part of speech: Transitive Oapan verb"; echo ""; } return $results; } return ""; } function display_verb_table($word, $form) { $word = strtolower($word); $word = utf8_encode($word); $utfConverter = new utf8(); //defaults to CP1250. $word = $utfConverter->strToUtf8($word); $xfst_path = "/spd25/htdocs/hyperlex2/nahuatl/xfst_dir/xfst -utf8 -e 'loadd SurfaceForms.fsm' -e 'regex GlSR;'"; unset($table); $table = "Tense/AspectSingularPlural"; if($form == "intrans") { $verb_table = "$xfst_path -e 'apply down 3sgS-".$word."'"; $verb_table .= " -e 'apply down 3plS-".$word."'"; $verb_table .= " -e 'apply down 3sgS-".$word."'"; $verb_table .= " -e 'apply down 3plS-".$word."'"; $verb_table .= " -e 'apply down 3sgS-".$word."'"; $verb_table .= " -e 'apply down 3plS-".$word."'"; $verb_table .= " -e 'apply down compl+3sgS-".$word."'"; $verb_table .= " -e 'apply down compl+3plS-".$word."'"; $verb_table .= " -e 'apply down compl+3sgS-".$word."'"; $verb_table .= " -e 'apply down compl+3plS-".$word."'"; $verb_table .= " -e 'apply down 3sgS-".$word."'"; $verb_table .= " -e 'apply down 3plS-".$word."'"; $verb_table .= " -e 'apply down opt= 3sgS-".$word."'"; $verb_table .= " -e 'apply down opt= 3plS-".$word."'"; $verb_table .= " -e 'apply down imp-".$word."'"; $verb_table .= " -e 'apply down imp-".$word."'"; $verb_table .= " -e 'apply down 3sgS-".$word."'"; $verb_table .= " -e 'apply down 3plS-".$word."'"; $verb_table .= " -e 'apply down 3sgS-".$word."'"; $verb_table .= " -e 'apply down 3plS-".$word."' -stop"; } else if ($form == "trans") { $verb_table = "$xfst_path -e 'apply down 3sgS-3sgO-".$word."'"; $verb_table .= " -e 'apply down 3plS-3sgO-".$word."'"; $verb_table .= " -e 'apply down 3sgS-3sgO-".$word."'"; $verb_table .= " -e 'apply down 3plS-3sgO-".$word."'"; $verb_table .= " -e 'apply down 3sgS-3sgO-".$word."'"; $verb_table .= " -e 'apply down 3plS-3sgO-".$word."'"; $verb_table .= " -e 'apply down compl+3sgS-3sgO-".$word."'"; $verb_table .= " -e 'apply down compl+3plS-3sgO-".$word."'"; $verb_table .= " -e 'apply down compl+3sgS-3sgO-".$word."'"; $verb_table .= " -e 'apply down compl+3plS-3sgO-".$word."'"; $verb_table .= " -e 'apply down 3sgS-3sgO-".$word."'"; $verb_table .= " -e 'apply down 3plS-3sgO-".$word."'"; $verb_table .= " -e 'apply down opt= 3sgS-3sgO-".$word."'"; $verb_table .= " -e 'apply down opt= 3plS-3sgO-".$word."'"; $verb_table .= " -e 'apply down imp-3sgO-".$word."'"; $verb_table .= " -e 'apply down imp-3sgO-".$word."'"; $verb_table .= " -e 'apply down 3sgS-3sgO-".$word."'"; $verb_table .= " -e 'apply down 3plS-3sgO-".$word."'"; $verb_table .= " -e 'apply down 3sgS-3sgO-".$word."'"; $verb_table .= " -e 'apply down 3plS-3sgO-".$word."' -stop"; } else { die("
For the moment, a verb table can not be generated from this page. Please click on root verb and generate the inflectional table directly from the dictionary entry.
"); } unset($parse); exec($verb_table,$parse); while(list($key,$val) = each($parse)) { //$parse[$key] = utf8_decode($val); $parse[$key] = $utfConverter->utf8ToStr($val); } /* $table .= "Present".$parse[1]."".$parse[2].""; $table .= "Future".$parse[3]."".$parse[4].""; $table .= "Conditional".$parse[5]."".$parse[7].""; $table .= "Conditional".$parse[6]."".$parse[8].""; $table .= "Perfective".$parse[9]."".$parse[10].""; $table .= "Pluperfective".$parse[11]."".$parse[12].""; $table .= "Imperfective".$parse[13]."".$parse[14].""; $table .= "Optative".$parse[15]."".$parse[16].""; $table .= "Imperative".$parse[17]."".$parse[18].""; $table .= "Durative".$parse[19]."".$parse[20].""; $table .= "Associated Motion".$parse[21]."".$parse[22].""; */ $table .= "Present".$parse[3]."".$parse[4].""; $table .= "Future".$parse[5]."".$parse[6]." or ".$parse[7].""; $table .= "Conditional".$parse[8]." or ".$parse[9]; $table .= "".$parse[10]." or ".$parse[11].""; $table .= "Perfective".$parse[12]."".$parse[13].""; $table .= "Pluperfective".$parse[14]."".$parse[15].""; $table .= "Imperfective".$parse[16]."".$parse[17].""; $table .= "Optative".$parse[18]."".$parse[19].""; $table .= "Imperative".$parse[20]."".$parse[21].""; $table .= "Durative".$parse[22]." or ".$parse[23]."".$parse[24]." or ".$parse[25].""; $table .= "Associated Motion".$parse[26]."".$parse[27]." or ".$parse[28].""; //******************************************************************************************************************* //Not sure what's going on with variable scope, here. When I declare condition is global, it's not read. // Also, check for $condition switch, this was an unpopulated var, code used old php form data request, must use $_request array. //******************************************************************************************************************* $condition = $_REQUEST['condition']; if ($condition == "story"){ echo "
"; echo "
Oapan verb inflections
"; echo "

"; echo ""; echo $table; echo "
"; }else{ echo "
"; echo "
Oapan verb inflections
"; echo "

"; echo ""; echo $table; echo "
"; } } /**************************** MAIN *************************/ global $verbstem; if($condition == "story") { $word = strtolower($word); if(ereg("Am",$dialect)) { //$lxa = $word; //FOR NOW: $lxo = $word; } else if(ereg("Oa",$dialect)) { $lxo = $word; } $word = $lxo; echo ""; echo ""; $root_info = get_root_verb($word); echo "
"; echo "Word: $word
"; echo "
"; //echo $root_info[0]."adsadas"; echo "
Click to show/hide: Senses / Inflections
"; //echo "
Click to show/hide: Inflections
"; if($root_info == "") { $xfst_path = "/spd25/htdocs/hyperlex2/nahuatl/xfst_dir/xfst -utf8 -e 'loadd SurfaceForms.fsm' -e 'regex GlSR;'"; $command = "$xfst_path -e 'apply down 3sgS-3sgO-".$word."' -stop"; unset($parse); $result = trim(exec($command,$parse)); if($result != "") { echo "
Oh my God, this may be a transitive verb! If the query did not include an object prefix, please try resubmitting with an object prefix.

If the query did contain a correct object prefix, then this verb is most likely an irregular verb that still does not parse.
"; } else { die("This word can not be parsed."); } } else { display_verb_table($root_info[0],$root_info[1]); } $urltoSenses = "".$root_info[0]."&entry_template=englishwordsense.html&bg_template=english%senses_template.html"; //echo $urltoSenses; echo "
"; } else { $words = strtolower($words); $words = explode("_",$words); $lxa = $words[0]; $lxo = $words[1]; //FOR NOW.... $word = $lxo; if(trim($form) == "") { $HOST = ""; $USER = "hyperlex"; $PASSWORD = "jota"; $DATABASE = "hyperlex"; $TABLE = "nahuatl"; @ $db = mysql_pconnect($HOST, $USER, $PASSWORD); if(!$db) { echo "Error: Could not connect to database. Please try again later."; exit; } mysql_select_db($DATABASE); $query = "SELECT psm FROM $TABLE WHERE lxo='$word'"; $query_result = mysql_query($query); if(mysql_num_rows($query_result) == 0) { die("$lxo is not in the lexicon."); } $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query_result); $psm = $row["psm"]; echo "PSM: $psm
"; if(ereg("V0|V1",$psm)) { $form = "intrans"; } else if(ereg("V2|V3",$psm)) { $form = "trans"; } else { die("$lxo can not be parsed. Part of speech is $psm. Must have part of speech V0, V1, V2, or V3."); } } //This is strange, it was written with a body that apears when it's not part of the story echo ""; display_verb_table($word,$form); echo ""; } ?>