\_sh v3.0 400 vocab-daily \word a:chikihtli \cat Noun \gloss basket for tortillas \week 03 \day 02 \word a:kino:n \cat Interrogative \gloss who? \week 01 \day 01 \word a:ko:ntli \cat Noun \gloss earthenare jug for storing water \week 03 \day 02 \word a:mani:n \cat Adv-time \gloss today \week 01 \day 01 \notes See appendix 16: Adverbs of time, place, manner \word a:mantsi:n \cat Adv-time \gloss in a moment (Sp. ahorita) \week 01 \day 05 \word a:matl \cat Noun \gloss paper \week 03 \day 02 \word a:miki \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to be thirsty \week 01 \day 03 \word a:pa:ka \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to wash (dishes, etc.) with water \week 02 \day 02 \word a:pismiki \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to be hungry \week 01 \day 02 \word ásí \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to arrive (there, cf. yékó) \week 05 \day 02 \word ásika:máti \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to understand; to comprehend \week 05 \day 02 \word a:tekomatl \cat Noun \gloss canteen \week 05 \day 02 \word a:tl \cat Noun \gloss water (fig., rain) \week 01 \day 04 \word a:tli \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to drink water \week 01 \day 04 \word áwá \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to scold \week 04 \day 02 \word bu:rroh \cat Noun \gloss donkey (Sp. 'burro') \sem animal \week 01 \day 05 \word cha:nti \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to live or reside (in a specifi house, village, nation, etc.) \week 01 \day 04 \word chapolin \cat Noun \gloss grasshopper (including katydids and some crickets) \week 01 \day 05 \word chia \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to wait for \week 03 \day 04 \word chichi \cat Noun \gloss dog \sem animal \week 01 \day 01 \word chi:chi:ltik \cat Adj \gloss red \sem color \week 01 \day 04 \word chíchí:wa \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to make; to fabricate \week 02 \day 01 \word chi:la:tl \cat Noun \gloss broth (caldo) of chile \week 05 \day 02 \word chi:lmo:hli \cat Noun \gloss chile sauce ground in a molcajete \week 05 \day 02 \word chipa:wi \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to get clean \week 04 \day 02 \word chi:wa \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to do \week 02 \day 01 \word cho:ka \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to cry \week 01 \day 02 \word ichpakawah \cat Noun \gloss young girl (preteenager) \week 01 \day 03 \word ichpa:na \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to sweep (an object; often used with tla- as an intransitive) \week 02 \day 02 \word ichpo:xtli \cat Noun \gloss young girl (teenager) \week 01 \day 02 \word ihlia \cat Verb-ditransitive \gloss to say or tell (sb sth) \week 04 \day 02 \word íkwilówa \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to write \week 02 \day 02 \word ípó:tsa \cat V2(refl) \gloss to burp \week 03 \day 02 \word ísá \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to awaken; to get up (from bed) \week 01 \day 03 \word ísekí \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to toast (on a comal) \week 02 \day 02 \word ísó:tla \cat V2(refl) \gloss to vomit \week 03 \day 02 \word istatl \cat Noun \gloss salt \week 02 \day 03 \word isti \cat Noun \gloss fingernail \week 02 \day 03 \word ita \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to see \week 03 \day 04 \word ítí \cat Noun \gloss belly \week 02 \day 03 \word ítlakáwi \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to become spoiled (a food) \week 05 \day 02 \word i:to:nia \cat V2(refl) \gloss to sweat \week 03 \day 02 \word ító:tia \cat V2(refl) \gloss to dance \week 03 \day 02 \word itowa \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to say \week 02 \day 01 \word ixi \cat Noun \gloss foot; leg \week 02 \day 03 \word ixisa:yo:lin \cat Noun \gloss fly \week 01 \day 05 \word i:xkopi:na \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to copy \week 04 \day 02 \word i:xmati \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to know (a person, conocer) \week 02 \day 01 \word i:xtew \cat Noun \gloss eye \week 02 \day 03 \word ixwi \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to be or become full \week 01 \day 02 \word kaba:yoh \cat Noun \gloss horse (Sp. caballo) \sem animal \week 01 \day 05 \word kahli \cat Noun \gloss house \sem house \week 01 \day 01 \word kaki \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to hear; to listen (i.e., to obey) \week 02 \day 02 \word kala:chin \cat Noun \gloss cockroach \sem animal \week 01 \day 05 \word kalahtia \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to put in \week 05 \day 02 \word kalaki \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to enter (e.g., a house) \week 01 \day 02 \word kamak \cat Noun \gloss mouth \week 02 \day 03 \word kamano:n \cat Interrogative \gloss when? \week 01 \day 01 \notes \word kamantika \cat Adv-time \gloss sometime; once in a while \week 01 \day 04 \word ka:mpa \cat Relativizer \gloss the place that \week 01 \day 03 \word kana:wak \cat Adj \gloss thin (as in the thickness of sth like paper or cloth) \week 01 \day 05 \word ka:no:n \cat Interrogative \gloss where? \week 01 \day 01 \notes \word ka:wa \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to leave \week 02 \day 01 \word ka:wilia \cat Verb-ditransitive \gloss to allow (sb to do sth) \week 04 \day 02 \word ke:ch \cat Interrogative \gloss how much? how many? \week 01 \day 03 \word ke:no:n \cat Interrogative \gloss how? \week 01 \day 01 \word kiawi \cat Verb-impersonal \gloss to rain \week 01 \day 01 \notes Sometimes pronounced kiewi \word kiawi / kiewi \cat Verb-impersonal \gloss to rain \week 01 \day 03 \word ki:sa \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to emerge (sth from a container, house, etc.); to turn out well; to go away (the rain) \week 01 \day 04 \word ki:tsia \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to hold (tightly in ones hand) \week 05 \day 02 \word ki:xtia \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to take out; to remove (from a container) \week 05 \day 02 \word kochi \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to sleep \week 01 \day 01 \word kochisneki \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to be sleepy; to want to go to bed \week 01 \day 03 \word koko:k \cat Adj \gloss spicy hot \sem food \week 01 \day 01 \word koko:miki \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to find too hot and spicy \week 01 \day 03 \word kókowí \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to chop wood (particularly in going out to the hills to get firewood) \week 01 \day 05 \word koma:hli \cat Noun \gloss clay griddle (for cooking tortillas) \week 01 \day 03 \word kone:tl \cat Noun \gloss child \sem person \week 01 \day 01 \word ko:ntli \cat Noun \gloss pot \week 03 \day 02 \word kopi:na \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to detach; to pull of \week 04 \day 02 \word kostik \cat Adj \gloss yellow \sem color \week 01 \day 05 \word koto:ni \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to snap (sth long and thin, by being pulled) \week 01 \day 04 \word kowa \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to buy \week 02 \day 01 \word kowatl \cat Noun \gloss snake \week 01 \day 05 \word kwa \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to bite; to eat \week 02 \day 01 \word kwala:ni \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to be or get mad \week 01 \day 03 \word kwala:nia \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to make mad \week 03 \day 02 \word kwalka:n \cat Adv-time \gloss early in the morning; tomorrow early in the morning \week 03 \day 04 \word kwalo \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to be sick or ill \week 01 \day 03 \word kwe:chowa \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to grind (particularly in a molcajete or hard stone) \week 02 \day 02 \word kwe:tli \cat Noun \gloss skirt \week 03 \day 02 \word kwexomatl \cat Noun \gloss wooden tray placed at the end of a metate \week 02 \day 03 \word kwi \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to us (e.g., a tool) \week 02 \day 01 \word ma: \cat Noun \gloss arm; hand \week 02 \day 03 \word maka \cat Verb-ditransitive \gloss to give (sth) to (sb) \week 04 \day 02 \word má:pá:ka \cat Verb-transitive \gloss (refl) to wash ones hands \week 05 \day 02 \word mápíl \cat Noun \gloss finger \week 02 \day 03 \word mati \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to know (a fact or situation) \week 02 \day 01 \word maxtia \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to teach \week 02 \day 02 \word mela:wa \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to straighten out; (refl) to lie down \week 03 \day 04 \word me:stli \cat Noun \gloss moon \week 01 \day 02 \word metlatl \cat Noun \gloss metate, stone for grinding maize/nixtamal \week 01 \day 03 \word miak / miek \cat Quantifier \gloss many \week 01 \day 04 \word mi:hlan \cat Noun \gloss cornfield \week 04 \day 02 \word miki \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to die \week 01 \day 03 \word misto:n \cat Noun \gloss cat \sem animal \week 01 \day 01 \word mo:lkaxitl \cat Noun \gloss molcajete, mortar for grinding (usually chile) \week 02 \day 03 \word mona:ntli \cat Noun \gloss mother-in-law \week 04 \day 02 \word móntatlí \cat Noun \gloss father-in-law \week 04 \day 02 \word montli \cat Noun \gloss son-in-law \week 04 \day 02 \word mo:stla \cat Adv-time \gloss tomorrow \week 01 \day 01 \notes See appendix 16: Adverbs of time, place, manner \word mo:yo:tl \cat Noun \gloss long-legged mosquito (zancudo) \sem animal \week 01 \day 05 \word nakas \cat Noun \gloss ear \week 02 \day 03 \word nakatl \cat Noun \gloss meat \sem food \week 01 \day 04 \word na:mihtia \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to marry off (refl. 'to get married to') \week 03 \day 02 \word na:nkilia \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to answer \week 02 \day 01 \word napa \cat Adv-place \gloss over there (across a barrier) \week 01 \day 01 \notes See appendix 16: Adverbs of time, place, manner \word náwá \cat Pronoun \gloss I (1sg) \week 01 \day 01 \word na:wi \cat Quantifier \gloss four \week 01 \day 04 \word ne: \cat Adv-place \gloss there (specific place) \week 01 \day 01 \notes See appendix 16: Adverbs of time, place, manner \word neki \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to want; to love (a person) \week 02 \day 01 \word nemaka / namaka \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to sell \week 02 \day 01 \word nemi \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to be (at a specific place, when preceded by an adverb of place) \week 01 \day 01 \notes When preceded by an adverb or locative indicating a place, nemi has the meaning of 'to be at'. Otherwise it means 'to be alive' \word nemilia \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to think about (a situation or event) \week 02 \day 02 \word nénemé \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to walk \week 05 \day 02 \word nenepi:l \cat Noun \gloss tongue \week 02 \day 03 \word ne:si \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to appear (i.e. become visible); to appear like (i.e., look like) \week 05 \day 02 \word nextamahli \cat Noun \gloss lime-soaked maize for making tortillas (nixtamal) \week 02 \day 03 \word ne:xtia \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to find \week 02 \day 01 \word ni- \cat Prefix-subject \gloss 1sgS \week 01 \day 01 \word nika:n \cat Adv-place \gloss here \week 01 \day 01 \notes See appendix 16: Adverbs of time, place, manner \word nim- -h \cat Prefix-subject \gloss 2plS \week 01 \day 01 \word niman \cat Conjunction \gloss and; right away \week 01 \day 04 \word nochipa \cat Adv-time \gloss always \week 01 \day 04 \word nó:meh \cat Pronoun \gloss you all \week 01 \day 01 \word no:tsa \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to speak to \week 02 \day 01 \word ohse: \cat Adj \gloss another \week 04 \day 02 \word o:me \cat Quantifier \gloss two \week 01 \day 04 \word ótlí \cat Noun \gloss road; path \week 05 \day 02 \word pa:ka \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to wash (e.g., clothes, see pápa:ka) \week 02 \day 02 \word pa:ki \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to be happy \week 01 \day 02 \word pale:wia \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to help \week 02 \day 01 \word papa:ka \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to wash (e.g., dishes) \week 02 \day 02 \word pa:pa:lo:tl \cat Noun \gloss butterfly \week 04 \day 02 \word pátí \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to get better (a person from a disease) \week 05 \day 02 \word pátiá \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to cure (e.g., a doctor to a patient) \week 05 \day 02 \word patla:wak \cat Adj \gloss wide (as in the width of a straw mat, bed, road, etc.) \week 01 \day 05 \word paxia:lowa \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to go around visiting; to go around sightseeing, etc. (from Spanish pasear) \week 01 \day 05 \word paya:na \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to grind (e.g., in a mill, hand or motor driven) \week 02 \day 02 \word petlatl \cat Noun \gloss straw mat, petate \week 03 \day 02 \word pe:wa \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to begin \week 01 \day 05 \word pia \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to have \week 02 \day 01 \word pio / piomeh \cat Noun \gloss chicken \sem animal \week 01 \day 05 \word pi:pilohli \cat Noun \gloss earings \week 04 \day 02 \word pitentsi:n (pl. pixtika:tsi:ntih) \cat Adj \gloss small (in size or age) \week 01 \day 05 \word pitso \cat Noun \gloss pig \sem animal \week 01 \day 01 \word poliwi \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to be missing; to get lost; to be lacking \week 01 \day 01 \word powa \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to count (numbers); to recount (a story or experience) \week 05 \day 02 \word po:yoh \cat Noun \gloss rooster \sem animal \week 01 \day 05 \word sakatl \cat Noun \gloss grass \week 03 \day 04 \word sápá \cat Adv-time \gloss once again, another time \week 03 \day 04 \word sa:yo:lin \cat Noun \gloss small mosquito \sem animal \week 01 \day 05 \word se: \cat Quantifier \gloss one; a \week 01 \day 04 \word sehkalaki \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to get or feel cold \week 05 \day 02 \word séhneká \cat Adv-manner \gloss different, in a different way \week 03 \day 04 \word sekwi \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to be cold (a person, from the outside temperature) \week 01 \day 03 \word se:wa \cat Verb-impersonal \gloss to be cold \week 01 \day 03 \word siahka:wa \cat V2(refl) \gloss to get tired of waiting \week 03 \day 02 \word siawi / siewi \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to get tired \week 01 \day 03 \word silye:teh \cat Noun \gloss chair \week 02 \day 03 \word siwa:montli \cat Noun \gloss daughter-in-law \week 04 \day 02 \word siwa:tl \cat Noun \gloss woman \sem person \week 01 \day 01 \word sokitl \cat Noun \gloss mud \week 05 \day 02 \word táwá \cat Pronoun \gloss you (2sg) \week 01 \day 01 \notes \word teketsa \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to stand upright; (refl) to stop \week 05 \day 02 \word te:kilia \cat Verb-ditransitive \gloss to serve (food or water to sb) \week 05 \day 02 \word tekipanowa \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to work (particularly in reference to the fields) \week 01 \day 05 \word tekiti \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to work (in general) \week 01 \day 03 \word te:lpakawah \cat Noun \gloss young boy (preteenager) \week 01 \day 03 \word te:lpo:xtli \cat Noun \gloss young boy (teenager) \week 01 \day 02 \word te:miki \cat Verb-intransitive; Verb-transitive \gloss to have a dream \week 05 \day 02 \word te:ntson \cat Noun \gloss beard \week 02 \day 03 \word tepa:ntli \cat Noun \gloss wall \week 02 \day 03 \word teposko:ntli \cat Noun \gloss metal pot \week 03 \day 02 \word tepostlan \cat Noun \gloss upper \week 02 \day 03 \word te:skaita \cat V2(refl) \gloss to view oneself in a mirror \week 03 \day 02 \word testmitl \cat Noun \gloss watercress \week 02 \day 03 \word téte:mówa \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to look for \week 02 \day 01 \word tetl \cat Noun \gloss stone, rock \week 03 \day 02 \word tewa:hki \cat Adj \gloss skinny (a person or animal from eating little) \week 01 \day 05 \word tewa:ki \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to get thin or skinny \week 01 \day 02 \word ti- \cat Prefix-subject \gloss 2sgS \week 01 \day 01 \word ti- -h \cat Prefix-subject \gloss 1plS \week 01 \day 01 \word tila:wak \cat Adj \gloss thick (as in the thickness of paper or cloth) \week 01 \day 05 \word tio:tlak \cat Adv-time \gloss afternoon (i tio:tlak, 'It is late', said in the afternoon) \week 01 \day 04 \word tisi \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to grind maize on a metate \week 01 \day 02 \word tla: \cat Subordinator \gloss if \week 01 \day 05 \word tlachia \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to look out; to watch; to emit light (a flashlight); to be sober \week 05 \day 02 \word tlachpa:na \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to sweep (with a broom) \week 02 \day 02 \word tlachpa:wa:stli \cat Noun \gloss broom \week 03 \day 02 \word tla:hli \cat Noun \gloss earth; earthen floorń dirt \week 02 \day 03 \word tla:htehtli \cat Noun \gloss dust or dirt (settled on sth) \week 02 \day 03 \word tlai \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to drink (in the sense of to drink alcohol) \week 01 \day 04 \word tlaiwa / tlayowa \cat Adv-time \gloss last night \week 03 \day 04 \word tla:katl \cat Noun \gloss man \sem person \week 01 \day 01 \word tlake:ntli \cat Noun \gloss cloth; clothes \week 01 \day 05 \word tlake:ntli \cat Noun \gloss cloth; clothes \week 02 \day 03 \word tlá:kia \cat V2(refl) \gloss to dress oneself \week 03 \day 02 \word tlakwa \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to eat (a meal) \sem food \week 01 \day 01 \word tlakwahli \cat Noun \gloss food \sem food \week 01 \day 04 \word tlakwalchi:wa \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to make or prepare food \week 05 \day 02 \word tlakwalispan \cat Adv-time \gloss noon (i tlakwalispan, 'It is late', said in the morning) \week 01 \day 04 \word tlakwaltia \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to feed; to give a meal to \week 02 \day 02 \word tla:lchikihtli \cat Noun \gloss earthenware sieve for cleaning nixtamal \week 03 \day 02 \word tla:lia \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to put or lay down; (refl) to sit down \week 03 \day 04 \word tlalowa \cat V2(refl) \gloss to run \week 03 \day 02 \word tla:ltemolohtli \cat Noun \gloss dust or dirt (in the air) \week 02 \day 03 \word tlamaka \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to feed (e.g., animals, by pouring the food on the ground) \week 02 \day 02 \word tlami \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to finish \week 01 \day 05 \word tlane:htia \cat Verb-ditransitive \gloss to lend (sth to sb) \week 04 \day 02 \word tlane:si \cat Verb-impersonal \gloss to dawn \week 01 \day 05 \word tlane:stok \cat Verb-durative \gloss to be dawning (e.g., i tlane:stok, 'It is already dawning') \week 01 \day 05 \word tla:ni \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to get the better of \week 03 \day 04 \word tlapayawi \cat Verb-impersonal \gloss to drizzle \week 01 \day 03 \word tlapowa \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to open \week 02 \day 01 \word tlásotí \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to be dear; to be scare (as in water during the dry season; money, etc.) \week 01 \day 04 \word tlatla \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to burn, to get burnt \week 01 \day 02 \word tlátó:ltia \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to ask (a question) of \week 04 \day 02 \word tlawe:lita \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to find odious \week 05 \day 02 \word tlawe:lmiki \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to be furious; to be very angry \sem emotion \week 01 \day 04 \word tla:wi:hli \cat Noun \gloss light \week 05 \day 02 \word tlaxkahli \cat Noun \gloss tortilla \week 05 \day 02 \word tlaxkalowa \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to make tortillas \week 01 \day 02 \word tlaxkalwia \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to make tortillas para \week 04 \day 02 \word tlaxtla:wilia \cat Verb-ditransitive \gloss to pay (sb for sth) \week 04 \day 02 \word tlayo:hli \cat Noun \gloss dried corn (the kernels that have been removed from the dried cobs) \week 02 \day 03 \word tlia:o:n \cat Interrogative \gloss why? \week 01 \day 03 \word tlikohtli \cat Noun \gloss firewood \week 03 \day 02 \word tlikwi \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to light up (an electric light, a fire) \week 01 \day 02 \word tli:lihki \cat Adj \gloss black \sem color \week 01 \day 04 \word tli:no:n \cat Interrogative \gloss what? \week 01 \day 01 \word tlitl \cat Noun \gloss fire \week 03 \day 02 \word toka \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to follow \week 02 \day 01 \word to:ka \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to plant \week 01 \day 05 \word to:ka \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to bury; to plant (a specific seed) \week 02 \day 01 \word tolowa \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to swallow \week 05 \day 02 \word toma:wak \cat Adj \gloss fat (an animate, person or animal, or an object such as a post or stick) \week 01 \day 05 \word toma:wi \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to get fat \week 01 \day 02 \word tó:meh \cat Pronoun \gloss we (1pl) \week 01 \day 01 \notes \word to:na \cat Verb-impersonal \gloss to be hot (temperature) \week 01 \day 01 \notes \word to:nahli \cat Noun \gloss sun; day \week 01 \day 02 \word to:nalmiki \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to be hot (i.e., a person from sweating) \week 01 \day 03 \word to:toltetl \cat Noun \gloss egg \week 05 \day 02 \word toto:nia \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to heat up (e.g., food, a tortilla, etc.) \week 05 \day 02 \word toto:nia \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to have a fever \week 05 \day 02 \word to:to:tl \cat Noun \gloss bird \sem animal \week 01 \day 05 \word tsakwa \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to close; to put in jail \week 02 \day 01 \word tsátsí \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to shout \week 01 \day 05 \word tsikwi:ni \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to jump \week 04 \day 02 \word tsompi:liwi \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to have a common cold \week 05 \day 02 \word tson \cat Noun \gloss hair \week 02 \day 03 \word tsontekon \cat Noun \gloss head \week 03 \day 02 \word -tsontekon (tsontekomatl) \cat Noun \gloss head \week 02 \day 03 \word tsope:lik \cat Adj \gloss sweet \sem food \week 01 \day 01 \word wákahlí \cat Noun \gloss gourd (for pouring water) \week 05 \day 02 \word wákapán \cat Adj \gloss tall (a person, object, etc.) \week 01 \day 05 \word wa:ki \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to get dry; to dry \week 01 \day 04 \word wa:le:wa \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to be or come from \week 01 \day 04 \word we:ia \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to get big (in size or age) \week 05 \day 02 \word weli \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to be able to (followed by a noun) \week 05 \day 02 \word we:lik \cat Adj \gloss tasty \sem food \week 01 \day 01 \word we:lilia \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to like the taste of (a specific dish) \week 02 \day 01 \word welita \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to like the looks of; to be attracted to \week 02 \day 01 \word welkaki \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to like the sound of \week 02 \day 01 \word welmati \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to like the taste of (in general); to like the feel of \week 02 \day 01 \word wetsi \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to fall down \week 01 \day 03 \word wetska \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to laugh \week 01 \day 03 \word wi:ka \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to accompany (a person); to take along (an animate) \week 02 \day 01 \word wísokí \cat Verb-transitive \gloss to beat up \week 03 \day 02 \word xakah \cat Pronoun \gloss nobody \week 01 \day 04 \word xa:yak \cat Noun \gloss cheek \week 02 \day 03 \word xi \cat Adv-time \gloss not yet \week 01 \day 02 \word xi:k \cat Noun \gloss belly button \week 02 \day 03 \word xi:xa \cat V2(refl) \gloss to defecate \week 03 \day 02 \word xkaman \cat Adv-time \gloss never \week 01 \day 04 \word xok \cat Adv-time \gloss no longer \week 01 \day 02 \word xoxo:hki \cat Adj \gloss green; raw; unripe \sem color \week 01 \day 04 \word xyeti:k \cat Adj \gloss light (in reference to weight) \week 01 \day 05 \word ya: to:nahli \cat Adv-time \gloss during the day \week 03 \day 04 \word ya: yewahli \cat Adv-time \gloss during the night \week 03 \day 04 \word ya: / ika \cat Subordinator; Instrumental \gloss because; with \week 01 \day 03 \word ya:lwa \cat Adv-time \gloss yesterday \week 01 \day 01 \notes See appendix 16: Adverbs of time, place, manner \word yáwá \cat Pronoun \gloss he/she/it (3sg) \week 01 \day 01 \word ye:i \cat Quantifier \gloss three \week 01 \day 04 \word yekah \cat Pronoun \gloss someone \week 01 \day 05 \word yékatsól \cat Noun \gloss nose \week 02 \day 03 \word yékó \cat Verb-intransitive \gloss to arrive (here) \week 01 \day 03 \word ye:lo:tl \cat Noun \gloss green edible ear of maize \week 02 \day 03 \word yeti:k \cat Adj \gloss heavy \week 01 \day 05 \word yetl \cat Noun \gloss beans \sem food \week 01 \day 04 \word yo: \cat Relativizer \gloss the one that (specific) \week 01 \day 03 \word yo: ya: \cat Subordinator \gloss for this/that reason \week 01 \day 03 \word yó:meh \cat Pronoun \gloss they \week 01 \day 01 \notes \word 0- \cat Prefix-subject \gloss 3sgS \week 01 \day 01 \word 0- -h \cat Prefix-subject \gloss 3plS \week 01 \day 01 \word (y)e:lpan \cat Noun \gloss chest \week 02 \day 03