| Name | Last modified | Size | Description |
| Parent Directory | | - |
| Abbot_Ancient_Word.pdf | 09-Dec-2008 01:08 | 256K |
| Balsas Nahuatl-2ndrevision.pdf | 13-Oct-2008 15:44 | 850K |
| Weitlaner_Situacion-linguistica-Guerrero.pdf | 21-Sep-2007 13:54 | 545K |
| NSF-Tosepan project final for submission.pdf | 17-Sep-2007 09:04 | 393K |
| Carochi transcribed by Canger.pdf | 19-Jul-2007 14:23 | 874K |
| Launey_Introduccion_lengua_nahuatl_001_123.pdf | 12-Jun-2007 16:11 | 23M |
| Launey_Introduccion_lengua_nahuatl_124_255.pdf | 12-Jun-2007 16:09 | 28M |
| CursoDelNahuatlModerno_NahuatlDeLaHuastecaVol2.pdf | 15-May-2007 09:14 | 22M |
| Carochi transcrita por Canger.doc | 11-Jun-2005 00:45 | 1.4M |
| Launey_Olmos_Huehuetlatolli_pt_2.pdf | 02-Jun-2005 01:01 | 1.6M |
| Launey_Olmos_Huehuetlatolli_pt_1.pdf | 02-Jun-2005 01:00 | 1.5M |
| Launey_Introduccion_lengua_nahuatl_298_336.pdf | 02-Jun-2005 00:59 | 2.0M |
| Launey_Introduccion_lengua_nahuatl_257_297.pdf | 02-Jun-2005 00:57 | 1.8M |
| Amith_review_Karttunen_reply.pdf | 02-Jun-2005 00:56 | 1.2M |
| Wolgemuth_Carl_Gramatica_nahuatl_mpios_Mecayapan_Tatahuicapan_2nded.pdf | 15-May-2005 15:48 | 2.6M |
| Wright_Elizabeth_Burkhart_Sell_Inspiracion_italiana_contexto_americano.pdf | 06-May-2005 17:28 | 1.3M |
| Wrigth_Elizabeth_Three_Spanish_Dramas_for_a_Mexican_Missio….pdf | 01-May-2005 15:35 | 73K |
| Wrigth_Elizabeth_Three_Spanish_Dramas_for_a_Mexican_Mission.doc | 01-May-2005 14:46 | 82K |
| Zwicky_Pullum_Cliticization_vs_Inflection.pdf | 17-Apr-2005 04:20 | 162K |
| NPR Nahuatl in prisons.doc | 08-Mar-2005 13:28 | 46K |
| Ottman_Jennifer_Models_of_Christian_Identity.pdf | 07-Mar-2005 01:24 | 19M |
| Messing_Jacqueline_Language_Shift_Bilingual_Schooling_in_Tlalxcala.pdf | 04-Mar-2005 00:46 | 13M |
| Michel_Launey_part2.pdf | 17-Jan-2005 01:13 | 72M |
| Michel_Launey_part1.pdf | 17-Jan-2005 01:01 | 62M |
| Francisco-Palemon-Arcos_Nahuatl-Acatlan.pdf | 13-Dec-2004 17:37 | 2.9M |
| Newman_Classical_Nahuatl.pdf | 10-Dec-2004 17:05 | 1.8M |
| Miller_Classification_of_UA_Languages.pdf | 10-Dec-2004 17:05 | 1.0M |
| Merlan_Noun_Incorporation_and_Discourse_Reference.pdf | 10-Dec-2004 17:04 | 919K |
| Lockhart_Toward_Assessing_the_Phoneticity.pdf | 10-Dec-2004 17:04 | 1.1M |
| Whorf_Pitch_Tone_and_Saltillo.pdf | 10-Dec-2004 17:03 | 1.1M |
| Whorf_Origin_Aztec_tl.pdf | 10-Dec-2004 17:03 | 1.0M |
| Tuggy_Noun_Incorporation_in_Nahuatl.pdf | 10-Dec-2004 17:01 | 658K |
| Tuggy_Nahuatl_Causative_Applicative.pdf | 10-Dec-2004 17:01 | 1.2M |
| Sullivan_Historial_Orations_or_Huehuetlatolli.pdf | 10-Dec-2004 17:00 | 1.2M |
| Steele_Uto_Aztecan_An_Assessment.pdf | 10-Dec-2004 17:00 | 1.4M |
| Lockhart_Language_Transition_Sixteenth_Century_Mexico.pdf | 10-Dec-2004 16:59 | 1.0M |
| Lockhart_Tulancingo_Perspective.pdf | 10-Dec-2004 16:58 | 971K |
| Canger_Review_Karttunen_Analytic_Dictionary.pdf | 10-Dec-2004 16:57 | 660K |
| Lamb_Classification_UtoAztecan_Languages.pdf | 10-Dec-2004 16:57 | 1.6M |
| Kaufman_Mesoamerican_Indian_Languages.pdf | 10-Dec-2004 16:56 | 1.1M |
| Karttunen_Roots_Sixteenth_Century_Mesoamerican_Lexicography.pdf | 10-Dec-2004 16:56 | 1.0M |
| Karttunen_Reply_to_Canger_Review.pdf | 10-Dec-2004 16:55 | 623K |
| Karttunen_Nahuatl_Literacy.pdf | 10-Dec-2004 16:55 | 1.3M |
| Karttunen_Nahuatl_Lexicography.pdf | 10-Dec-2004 16:54 | 574K |
| Justeson_Language_and_Languages_Mesoamerica.pdf | 10-Dec-2004 16:54 | 1.8M |
| Gingerich_Chipahuacanemiliztli.pdf | 10-Dec-2004 16:51 | 1.7M |
| Gingerich_Ten_types_of_ambiguity.pdf | 10-Dec-2004 16:51 | 844K |
| Canger_Passive_in_Nahuatl.pdf | 10-Dec-2004 16:50 | 547K |
| Dakin_Review_Canger_Five_Studies.pdf | 10-Dec-2004 16:50 | 429K |
| Canger_Philology_in_America_Nahuatl_loan_words.pdf | 10-Dec-2004 16:49 | 654K |
| Canger_Nahuatl_Dialectology.pdf | 10-Dec-2004 16:48 | 2.5M |
| Canger_Reduplication_in_Nahuatl.pdf | 10-Dec-2004 16:47 | 674K |
| Dakin_Characteristics_Nahuatl_Lingua_Franca.pdf | 10-Dec-2004 16:47 | 459K |
| Burkhart_Indigenous_literature_in_preconquest_colonial_Meso.pdf | 10-Dec-2004 16:45 | 2.7M |
| Burkhart_Amenuenses_have_spoken.pdf | 10-Dec-2004 16:43 | 1.1M |
| Bartholomew_Registration_of_transitivity.pdf | 10-Dec-2004 16:42 | 700K |
| Bartholomew_Honorific_Morphology.pdf | 10-Dec-2004 16:42 | 570K |
| Steele Relationship of morphology to syntax.pdf | 17-Nov-2004 23:42 | 914K |
| Sadock Some notes on noun incorporation.pdf | 17-Nov-2004 23:08 | 1.4M |
| Sadock Noun incorporation in Greenlandic.pdf | 17-Nov-2004 23:07 | 2.2M |
| Spencer Incorporation in Chukchi.pdf | 17-Nov-2004 23:06 | 5.0M |
| Thomas Rosen Two types of noun incorporation.pdf | 17-Nov-2004 23:06 | 2.6M |
| NLDLE_project_Amith.pdf | 27-Oct-2004 22:16 | 172K |
| Bartholomew_Otomanguean_Influence_Pochutla_Aztec.pdf | 11-Oct-2004 17:49 | 785K |
| Andrew_Directionals_in_Classical_Nahuatl.pdf | 11-Oct-2004 17:45 | 533K |
| Amith_Smith_Stark_Predicate_nominal_and_transitive_verbal_e.pdf | 11-Oct-2004 17:45 | 2.0M |
| Amith_Smith_Stark_Transitive_Nouns.pdf | 11-Oct-2004 17:44 | 2.3M |
| Amtih_Tan_ancha_pt2.pdf | 11-Oct-2004 17:43 | 1.4M |
| Canger_Ochpaniliztli.pdf | 11-Oct-2004 17:42 | 653K |
| Amith_Whats_in_a_word.pdf | 11-Oct-2004 17:39 | 2.4M |
| Sadock_Noun_Incorporation_Greenlandic.pdf | 07-Oct-2004 18:34 | 2.2M |
| Shibatani_Passives_and_Related_Constructions.pdf | 07-Oct-2004 18:26 | 2.9M |
| Thomas_Rosen_Two_Types_Noun_Incorporation.pdf | 07-Oct-2004 18:11 | 2.6M |
| Van_Valin_Semantic_Parameters_Split_Intransitivity.pdf | 07-Oct-2004 18:05 | 4.5M |
| Langacker_Munro_Passives_and_their_Meaning.pdf | 07-Oct-2004 17:45 | 4.6M |
| Campbell_Kaufman_Smith_Stark_Mesoamerica_Linguistic_Area.pdf | 07-Oct-2004 17:31 | 4.3M |
| Amith_Use_of_Directionals.pdf | 07-Oct-2004 17:25 | 1.4M |
| Campbell_Middle_American_Languages_pt2.pdf | 07-Oct-2004 17:22 | 1.6M |
| Campbell_Middle_American_Languages.pdf | 07-Oct-2004 17:22 | 1.2M |
| Mignolo_Literacy_and_Colonization.pdf | 07-Oct-2004 17:20 | 2.4M |
| Mignolo_Colonization_Amerindian_Languages.pdf | 07-Oct-2004 17:20 | 4.7M |
| Klor_de_Alva_Language_Politics_Translation.pdf | 07-Oct-2004 17:19 | 1.2M |
| Hill_Hill_Honorific_Usage.pdf | 07-Oct-2004 17:18 | 3.5M |
| Carochi transcrita por Canger.rtf | 03-Sep-2004 23:02 | 3.4M |
| Carochi by Canger.wpd | 03-Sep-2004 22:44 | 715K |
| Carochi transcribed by Canger.wpd | 18-Oct-1999 08:11 | 2.1M |