c Swiss German Keyboard control file c (for use with Tavultesoft Keyboard Manager Version 3.1-beta ) c This program emulates Windows' International Keyboard key-reassignment c but simplifies the switching between multiple keyboards (e.g. Lao) c Note that in this version, only the left Alt key can be used for c enabling or disabling the keyboard (with Alt+=), as the right Alt key c is recognized as AltGr and used for some extra keyboard functions. NAME "Swiss German" BITMAPS SwissGe1 SwissGe0 HOTKEY "^+D" VERSION 3.1 begin > use(Main) c Simple keyboard relocations store(swapKey) "yYzZ!#$^&*(){[}:;\|<>/?`~-_" '"' "'@" store(swapChar) "zZyY+*ç&/()=èü!éö$£;:-_§°'?àä" '"' c Accented-characters store(vowel) "aeiouzAEIOUZ" c this is actually a key, not a code store(vUmlaut) "äëïöüÿÄËÏÖÜY" c not Y store(vCirc) "âêîôûyÂÊÎÔÛY" c not y, Y store(vGrave) "àèìòùyÀÈÌÒÙY" c not y, Y store(vAcute) "áéíóúýÁÉÍÓÚÝ" store(tildeLtr) "aonAON" store(tildeChar) "ãõñÃÕÑ" group(Main) using keys + any(swapKey) > index(swapChar,1) c Define (deadkey) accent characters (RAlt is AltGr) + "]" > d168 + "=" > '^' + "+" > '`' + [RAlt K_HYPHEN] > d180 + [RAlt K_EQUAL] > '~' d168 + any(vowel) > index(vUmlaut,2) '^' + any(vowel) > index(vCirc,2) '`' + any(vowel) > index(vGrave,2) d180 + any(vowel) > index(vAcute,2) '~' + any(tildeLtr) > index(tildeChar,2) c AltGr key combinations c In the following, AltGr with 9, 0 and ` are used to provide an c alternate means of inserting <, > and \ as those characters c are normally on an extra key, provided on some European c keyboards, but not on standard US keyboards. + [RAlt K_1] > "|" + [RAlt K_2] > "@" + [RAlt K_3] > "#" + [RAlt K_4] > "°" + [RAlt K_5] > "§" + [RAlt K_6] > "¬" + [RAlt K_7] > "|" + [RAlt K_8] > "¢" + [RAlt K_9] > "<" + [RAlt K_0] > ">" + [RAlt K_LBRKT] > "[" + [RAlt K_RBRKT] > "]" + [RAlt K_BKQUOTE] > "\" + [RAlt K_QUOTE] > "{" + [RAlt K_BKSLASH] > "}"