c Simplified French keyboard, to allow accented vowels, without any c key reassignments. Normal quote, caret and accent are used as deadkeys. c c To produce a quote, caret or accent mark separately, hit the key twice. c c Tilde also combines in the same way with a following vowel to produce the c modified characters (e.g. nasal o, enye), but is not a deadkey. c c To produce a vowel with an umlaut, type a preceding double quote. To c produce a double quote followed by a vowel, type the double quote twice c before typing the vowel. c NAME "Simple French" BITMAPS FrKey1 FrKey0 HOTKEY [SHIFT ALT K_F] VERSION 3.0 begin > use(main) store(vowel) "aeiouyAEIOUY" c vowels that can be modified store(vUmlaut) "äëïöüÿÄËÏÖÜY" c not Y store(vCirc) "âêîôûyÂÊÎÔÛY" c not y, Y store(vGrave) "àèìòùyÀÈÌÒÙY" c not y, Y store(vAcute) "áéíóúýÁÉÍÓÚÝ" store(tildeLtr) "aonAON" store(tildeChar) "ãõñÃÕÑ" group(main) using keys + "'" > deadkey(1) + "`" > deadkey(2) + "^" > deadkey(3) '"' + '"' > deadkey(4) '"' deadkey(1) + any(vowel) > index(vAcute,2) deadkey(2) + any(vowel) > index(vGrave,2) deadkey(3) + any(vowel) > index(vCirc,2) deadkey(4) '"' + any(vowel) > '"' index(vowel,3) '"' + any(vowel) > index(vUmlaut,2) c '""' + any(vowel) > '"' index(vowel,2) "~" + any(tildeLtr) > index(tildeChar,2) deadkey(1) + "'" > "'" deadkey(2) + "`" > "`" deadkey(3) + "^" > "^" deadkey(1) + "c" > d231 deadkey(1) + "C" > d199 "<" + "<" > d171 ">" + ">" > d187 d171 + "<" > "<<" deadkey(5) d187 + ">" > ">>" deadkey(5) deadkey(5) + ">" > ">" deadkey(5) deadkey(5) + "<" > "<" deadkey(5) c ">>" + ">" > ">>>" c "<<" + "<" > "<<<" '??' + '?' > d169 ' 1994 Tavultesoft'