Author: David Rowe at IPO Date: 10/1/97 10:22 AM Priority: Normal TO: SoftwareLibrary JAARS at JAR Subject: Software Library Submission ------------------------------- Message Contents ------------------------------- To: Software Library, JAARS From: David Rowe, SIL Togo-Benin Date: 1 October 1997 Recently I had a request from Colombia for help with the Keyman initialization program that I wrote up for NOC. It was suggested that I submit that for distribution from the JAARS software library. Brian Chapaitis indicated that he would rather keep his Windows Freeware disks for items from outside SIL, so I'm sending this to you. Attached are the KMNINIT.EXE file (6K) and the text of the NOC article (2K). The programme requires VBRUN300.DLL to run. It may be that the next version of KEYMAN will include a facility for starting with a keyboard enabled, in which case this programme will be obsolete. Thanks, David Rowe