CC for Windows Version 8.0.15/16 September 2000 The Consistent Changes (CC) program is useful for finding all occurrences of specified characters, words, or phrases in a text file or series of text files, and making some type of change to this data in a consistent way. The change can be done in every occurrence found or only when certain conditions are met. The files in this package include: CC for Windows (CCW.exe, CCW32.exe) the CC Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs) CC Debugger for Win95 and later (CCDbg32.exe) CC for DOS CC User Documentation CC Libraries, for programmers See CCWin\Doc\CCFiles.doc for details on these files. Users new to CC can see CCWin\Doc\CC.doc, a User Guide to writing "CC tables" for using CC. ------------ Installation ------------ Manual installation is straightforward: Copy the .exe files from the CCWin folder to an appropriate location on your hard disk, such as C:\Program Files\CCWin . Users with Windows 95 or later can use CCW32.exe rather than CCW.exe. Copy both CC.dll and CC32.dll from the CCWin\DLL folder into the C:\Windows\System folder. ------------ New Features ------------ CCW and CCW32 have the following new features: 1) Ganged CC tables. Multiple CC tables can now be specified. The input is run through the first CC table, the output of that process is run through the second CC table and so on until the last CC table. The result of running the data through the last CC table is then output to the output file. Multiple CC tables must be separated by commas in the the CC specification in the main dialog box, or after the -t option on the command line. Example: ccw32 -t, -o test.out This command will feed through, the results of which will be fed through, and then output to test.out. 2) An list of output files can now be specified similar to how a list of input files are specified. The number of output files must match the number of input files. If the list of output files is specified on the command line or in the main dialog box, then the files must be separated by a comma. If the list of output files is specified in a file, then each file name must occur on a line by itself. A new command line option, -ol indicates that the output file is actually a file containing a list of output files. Examples: ccw32 -t -o first.out, second.out, 3.out This command will process through, producing first.out, through, producing second.out, and through producing 3.out. It may at first glance appear that there is an ambiguity in what the input and output files are, but the commas in the output file specification resolve this ambiguity. Example: ccw32 -t -ol output.lst -i input.lst output.lst contains: first.out second.out 3.out input.lst contains The above produces the same results as the first command. 3) Command history is available in the main dialog box. This will keep track of previous runs, and fill in the dialog box when a previous run is selected. Note that in spite of the above additional features, the standard cc command line syntax will still work with CCW. However, the new features are not available in the DOS version. -------- Feedback -------- Please email your feedback on this software to Doug Rintoul, with a copy to Team Shoebox (,