Text files have been created that combine data from the synchronized nasal flow, oral flow, and audio channels in a single numerical matrix. Each text file contains an ASCII, tab-separated matrix of 3 columns. The first (left-most) column in the matrix contains calibrated nasal flow in liters per second (l/s); the second (center) column contains calibrated oral flow, also in l/s; the third (right) column contains audio data. The length of the matrices in each text file depends on the length of the recording. The three columns in the text files replicate exactly the amplitude values found in the corresponding .wav files. The text files contain no time series data (note that this this information is embedded in the corresponding .wav files). All recordings of all channels in this data set were made at 2 kHz. Naming conventions match those of the accompanying .wav files exactly, except that the type of data is designated not as "nasal-airflow", "oral-airflow" or "acoustics-2kHz" but as "CalibData" (i.e., calibrated data). The extension of these files is .txt. Yolox_Elict_EGS505_0285a_List-08-CalibData_2012-11-08-d.txt =all data channels (nasal flow, oral flow, audio) in a tab-separated ascii text file from the first repetition of token 285, List 8, produced by speaker EGS505.