Lexicon for LDC project The lexicons can be viewed in http://www.balsas-nahuatl.org/ldc/lexicon Please note the following: 1. There are two lexicons. One is in what the SIL calls "Standard Format". For this there is only an opening field marker that starts with a backslash followed by a string (e.g., \lxoa). There is no closing marker at the end of the field. This dictionary is named LDC dictionary.txt 2. This dictionary can be exported to XML, and a structure (e.g., grouping) imposed. This is probably the dictionary you want: LDC dictionary.xml The XML document is well formed. 3. A list of the fields that we need for display in the project is found in the document Field order for ldc.rtf Hopefully this will explain the twenty or so fields in the lexicon that we will use. 4. Please note that Mike uses a more complete lexicon, which has certain information he needs (e.g., allomorphic variation). I have not uploaded this as it is not necessary for the part of the project. 5. While I am gone and to get an idea of the type of formating for the display of an entry, go to http://www.balsas-nahuatl.org Username: oapan Password: nahuatl Go to Lexicon > Dictionary search page Search for Nahuatl Word is pale:wia and this will give a result with a display of how the USED project should have the entry displayed in the Gloss/Sense boxes we discussed.