; Citation form: i:xpa:ki ;
; Citation form: i:xpa:ki  |
Part of speech: Intrans. verb;
(Generate forms: Am |
Derivation of rightmost element
Basic intrans. verb;
Verb inflection:
to be very AAAhappy from having many items to choose from; overjoyed from being confronted with an abundance of choices; to
be filled with glee from what ones sees — San i:xpa:ki, xkimati katlewa wel mlá:k ka:nas. (Am)
He is delighted with his possibilities (in this case four girlfriends), he doesn't know which one he will marry. — San tii:xpa:ki. Xe tikita katlewa milá:k tihkowas. (Am)
You're like a kid in a candy store (liking the looks of everything). You still can't decide which one you're really going
to buy. — San i:xpa:ki ika miák yo:kitak tlake:ntli, nochi kukwaltsitsi:ntih. Tomi:n kwa:ki pero ni:n se: xkikowa. San i:xpa:ki. (Am)
He is filled with glee from seeing the clothes, they are all really beautiful. He has brought money but won't buy even one.
He's just happy from looking (and can't make a decision).
Root(s) i:x, pa:ki;
Semantics: I:xpa:ki
refers to the state of a person who sees many inviting and nice things, such as one who enters a store and sees
a lot of nice clothes and not knowing immediately which is best or which he will buy, happily looks everything over.;
PA:KI (Am)
; Citation form: pa:ki ;
PA:KI (Oa)
; Citation form: pa:ki  |
Part of speech: Intrans. verb;
(Generate forms: Am |
Derivation of rightmost element
Basic intrans. verb;
Verb inflection:
to be AAAhappy; to be content — Pa:ki, yo:yekok itah. (Am)
He is happy, his father has arrived. — Pa:ki mosuwa:w pa:mpa o:tekok. (Am)
Your wife is happy because you've arrived. — Nochipa nampa:ktokeh, xkaman namokwala:nian. (Am)
You all are always content, you never get angry with each other (in this case referring to a man and his wife). 2.
(with short vowel reduplication) to be excited; to be jubilant — Papa:kinikone:wa:n, yo:kinwi:kak, yo:kintlachialti:to ke:no:n u:nkah mi:hli. Tla:ki. (Am)
His children are happy and excited, he (their father) took them, he took them to take a look at how the maize is. It is bearing
fruit. 3.
(with long vowel reduplication) to start to feel better or recover, little by little (physically) — Yo:pe:w pa:pa:ki, ye tlachia, ye pati. (Am)
Little by little he's started to get somewhat better, he's already come above, he's already getting well. — Kwalowa:ya. A:man yo:pe:w pa:pa:ki, ye patitsi:n. (Am)
He used to be ill. Now bit by bit he's started to recover, he's a little better.
Derivational and semantic cross-references: Causative (Am) :
pa:ktia; Causative (Oa) :
pa:htia; Root(s) pa:ki;
Semantics: The verb pa:ki
means, in difference contexts and different tenses and aspects, 'to be happy' and 'to be healthy.' Most generally,
the form with a"progressive/stative"ending -tok
indicates a state of healthiness: nipa:ktok
'I am healthy.' This applies to other tenses such as nipa:ktos
, etc. On the other hand, this verb without a"progressive/stative"ending often means 'to become happy.' Thus nipa:kis
is most often 'I will be happy.' Nevertheless, occasionally this division in meaning is not applicable. Thus with
long vowel reduplication as in Yo:pe:w pa:pa:ki, ye tlachia, ye pati
the reference of pa:pa:ki
is to health, as clearly established by the meaning of what follows, ye tlachia, ye pati
; Citation form: nopa:kilismaka ;
; Citation form: nopa:ilismaka  |
Part of speech: Trans. verb;
(Generate forms: Am |
Derivation of rightmost element
Basic ditrans. verb;
Verb inflection:
Irregular, see maka
(Oa) :
(refl.) to make oneself AAAhappy (e.g., in painting something that one takes pleasure in)
Root(s) pa:ki, maka;
; Citation form: kipa:ktia ;
; Citation form: kipa:htia  |
Part of speech: Trans. verb;
(Generate forms: Am |
Derivation of rightmost element
Verb inflection:
to make AAAhappy — Xne:chpa:ktia, xnikwelita. (Am)
It doesn't make me happy, I don't like it.
Derivational and semantic cross-references: Root(s) pa:ki;
; Citation form: te:pa:ktih ;
; Citation form: te:pa:htih  |
Part of speech: Adjectival;
Derivation of rightmost element
to be pleasing; to make people AAAhappy
Root(s) pa:ki;