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Type '?' for list. rbError: Can't locate file. Please try again. Error: File does not appear to be the right type. Opening '%s'... %ss%d net%s read. wbDone. Sorry. Can't save that because it doesn't exist. %s is ON. OFF. %12s: %6ld in use, %6ld free, %6ld allocated (%ldk) AlphVector%10s%2dTotAlphVects%s: None allocated yet. StatesArcsNetsAlphs These heaps: %ldk Other heaps: %ldk Warning: '%s' appears to be an FSM file, not a text file. Try to parse this file? (y/n) [n]: Cancelled. rtType a standard lexicon file. File ends with '^D'... +...+ Reading from '%s' SOURCE: %s=ONOFF SOURCE: (none) %s = RULES: %d transducer%s. RESULT: Switches: singles, duplicatesfailuresambiguities, obey-flagsprint-spacequit-on-fail show-flagstimeutf8-modeverbose 1 = SOURCE, 2 = RULES, 3 = RESULT. Choose 1, 2, or 3 [Cancel]: Sorry. No SOURCE defined. Sorry. No RULES defined. Sorry. No RESULT defined. Use (s)ource or (r)esult? [r]: NOTE: Using SOURCE. NOTE: Using RESULT. SOURCE or RESULT Word:**************** Sorry. Embedded scripts are not allowed. wtSorry. Cannot record script to stdout. Recording commands in '%s'. Type 'end-script' to stop. End of script. Closing '%s' No script being recorded. Type 'begin-script' to start. Sorry. Embedded scripts not allowed. Sorry. Can't find '%s'. Sorry. Can't run script from stdin. >>> End of script '%s'. >>> SCRIPT: EXITING DUE TO ERROR. SWITCHES: . Labels to ignore (Regex): ( for list)List of labels: Labels to ignore (Regex): , Invalid regex: %s (%s) Ignoring: WARNING: No labels to ignore MakeSeqsInit()MakeSeqsNew()MatchSeqsAddLabel()Internal: MatchWord type too smallMakeSeqsNewMatch() This network is too large to be checked with 'singles' ON. You need to license a professional version of lexc for this. You *can* use check-all with 'singles' OFF regardless of size. >>> An error has occurred. Please read the message in the output file. States to checkPositions to checkArcs to checkAttributes to rememberValues to rememberCHECK_ALL%ld -> Source word count: %ld (actually, infinite) Single: %ld, Ambiguities: %ld, Failure: %ld Single: %ld, Multiple: %ld, Failure: %ld Output word count: %ld rwCommand '%s' has not been implemented. No lexicon! SOURCERULESRESULTSorry. '%s' isn't implemented. 0\================================================================== %sSOURCE: %s RESULT: %s OBEY-FLAGS: ON OFF SOURCE and RESULT8 d8.4.3 ******************************************************* * Finite-State Lexicon Compiler %d.%d.%d (%s) * * created by * * Lauri Karttunen and Todd Yampol * * Copyright %s 1993-%s by the Xerox Corporation. * * All Rights Reserved. * ******************************************************* HT(check-all) Ambiguities(check-all) Singles(check-all) Duplicates(check-all) FailuresObey-flagsPrint-spaceQuit-on-failShow-flagsTimingUtf8-mode,4|<%s inverted. No change. %s net is not a transducer. INVERTBad arityname#SOURCE and RULES %sVerbose modeend-scriptStopping the script because of an error Aborting because quit-on-fail is ON.P|X LEXC COMMAND-LINE OPTIONS: ------------------------- -h print a cryptic 'usage' message and exit. -help print this help message and exit. -q operate quietly. Don't print unnecessary messages. -v print lexc version number and exit. -utf8 input is UTF-8 encoded, not IS0-8859-1 (= Latin-1). file [file]* execute the commands in 'file'[s] and exit. -husage: lexc [-h | -help | -q | -utf8 | -v] lexc [-utf8] scriptfile [scriptfile]* -help-q-utf8-utf-8-vlexc-%d.%d.%d (%s) Starting in utf8-mode. make_cmdinstall_cmdCMD_COUNT is less than the number of commandsCommandscompile-sourcemerge-sourceread-sourcesave-sourceresult-to-sourceread-rulesmerge-resultread-resultsave-resultsource-to-resultadd-propsreset-propssave-propscompose-resultinvert-sourceinvert-resultextract-surface-formscheck-alllookuplookdownobey-flagsprint-spaceutf8-modeshow-flagsrandomrandom-lexrandom-surfsinglesduplicatesfailuresquit-on-failambiguitiestimeverbosesetclearbegin-scriptend-scriptrun-scriptbannerlabelspropsstatusstorage?helpcompletionhistoryquittestNo history available. Automatic completion not available. '%s' is not an operation. Type '?' for list. %s %s %s %s 'add-props' reads a set of attribute-value pairs from a text file andappends them to the property list of the SOURCE or the RESULTnetwork.'ambiguities' is a switch that affects the output of the 'check-all'command. If the 'ambiguities' switch is ON, 'check-all' prints all thesurface forms in RESULT that relate to two or more lexical forms. Forexample, it can detect that the French word 'suis' belongs to twoparadigms: the copula 'tre' and the verb 'suivre'. If the'ambiguities' switch is OFF, 'check-all' does not print such forms.The default setting is OFF.'?' displays a menu of available lexc commands.'banner' displays information about the version and the authors of theXerox Finite-State Lexicon Compiler.'begin-script ' records all subsequently typed lexc commands in until 'end-script'. Such a script of commands can then be runusing 'run-script'.'check-all' helps you verify the RESULT network produced by using'compose-result' to compose the SOURCE network with the RULESnetwork(s). 'check-all' compares the upper side of the SOURCEnetwork to the RESULT network and tabulates and displays the number ofupper-side SOURCE strings that have one, none or several realizationsin the RESULT net. The enumeration of examples by 'check-all' iscontrolled by a set of switches: If the 'singles' switch is ON, allupper-side SOURCE strings with one output in the RESULT are printedalongside the result. If the 'failures' switch is ON, every upper-sideSOURCE string that is no longer in the RESULT is printed, followed bya row of asterisks. If the 'duplicates' switch is ON, each upper-sideSOURCE string with multiple outputs in the RESULT is printed with allof its output forms. If the 'ambiguities' switch is ON, each lower-side RESULT string that corresponds to two or more lexical strings isprinted out with all of the related lexical strings. The defaultsettings are: 'failures' = ON, 'duplicates' = ON, 'singles' = OFF, and 'ambiguities' = OFF. Use the 'status' command to see the settings ofthe switches.'clear' erases RESULT attributes specified by the 'set' command.'completion' is toggled switch that turns OFF/ON the automaticcommand-completion feature and activates (or deactivates) the historymechanism. The default setting is OFF.'compile-source ' reads the lexc source file contained in, compiles it, and stores the resulting network in theSOURCE register. You can save this network to file with the command'save-source'. To read a pre-compiled network from file into theSOURCE register, use the command 'read-source'. To compose the SOURCEnetwork with a set of rule transducers, previously read in by'read-rules', use the command 'compose-result'.'compose-result' composes the RULES network(s) under the SOURCEnetwork, storing the result in the RESULT register. This commandrequires that the SOURCE and RULES registers contain networks.'compose-result' uses the intersecting-composition algorithm.The RULES register may contain a single FST or a set of transducersproduced by compiling a set of twolc rules and saving them withoutintersecting; in such cases, the intersecting-composition algorithmperforms the necessary intersection and composition. Any Flag Diacriticson the lower-side of the SOURCE network are treated as epsilonsin the composition and are preserved on the lower-side of the RESULTnetwork. The RULES may not contain Flag Diacritics.'duplicates' is a switch that affects the output of the 'check-all'command. If the 'duplicates' switch is ON, 'check-all' prints alllexical forms in the RESULT network with multiple surface outputs. If the 'duplicates' switch is OFF, 'check-all' does not print suchforms. The default setting is ON. 'end-script' stops recording lexc commands into a script file. Beginrecording a new script with 'begin-script'; run an existing scriptwith 'run-script'.'extract-surface-forms' replaces the RESULT network with a simple FSMthat contains only the surface forms from the original RESULT network.'failures' is a switch that affects the output of the 'check-all'command. If the 'failures' switch is ON, 'check-all' prints alllexical forms from the SOURCE network that yield no output in theRESULT network; each lexical form is paired with a string of asterisksto indicate the failure. If the 'failures' switch is OFF, 'check-all'does not print such forms. The effect of 'failures'=ON is to displayall the forms that were lost in the process of composing the RULESnetwork(s). This is usually helpful, and the default setting is ON.'help ' displays short documentation on what does.'help all' prints out all help messages.'history' displays the history list.'invert-source' inverts the two sides of the SOURCE network. If theSOURCE network is a transducer, the upper side becomes the lowerside and vice versa. If the network is not a transducer, theinvert command has no effect.'invert-result' inverts the two sides of the RESULT network. If theRESULT network is a transducer, the upper side becomes the lower'labels' displays the label set of the SOURCE, RESULT, or RULESnetwork. The lower side SOURCE network labels should match the upperside of the RULES network labels. If a symbol on the lower side ofsome source label does not appear on the upper side of at least onerule label, every string that contains that source label willdisappear in the composition.'lookdown ' searches the SOURCE network or the RESULT networkfor by matching against the upper side of thetransducer, and printing out all related strings on the lower side ofthe transducer.'lookup ' searches the SOURCE network or the RESULT networkfor by matching against the lower side of thetransducer, and printing out all related strings on the upper side of'merge-result ' loads the pre-compiled network in and merges (unions) it with the network currently stored in the RESULTregister (if any), storing the result in the RESULT register (if any),storying the result in the RESULT register. This allows the RESULT,network to be constructed as a union of any number of saved networks.'merge-source ' loads the pre-compiled network in and merges (unions) it with the network currently stored in the SOURCEregister (if any), storing the result in the SOURCE register. Thisallows the SOURCE network to be constructed as a union of any numberof saved networks.'obey-flags' is an ON/OFF or toggled switch. If it is ON,Flag-Diacritic constraints are enforced and Flag Diacritics are notdisplayed. If it is OFF, Flag-Diacritic constraints are not enforcedand Flag Diacritics are visible; i.e. Flag Diacritics are treated asnormal multicharacter symbols. The default setting is ON.'print-space' is an ON/OFF switch. If it is ON, 'random', 'random-lex', and'random-surf' print a space between output symbols. Default is OFF.'props' displays the property list of the SOURCE or the RESULT network.'quit' exits lexc.'quit-on-fail' is an ON/OFF toggle switch. When it is ON, lexcstops the execution of a script if it encounters a faulty commandthat cannot be executed because of a typo, a missing file, orsome other problem. When this occurs in an interactive mode, thecontrol is returned to the user. If lexc is run non-interactivelyby a shell script, it exits abruptly if an error occurs when'quit-on-fail' is ON. Default is ON.'random' prints 15 random paths (words) from either the SOURCE network or the RESULT network, depending on the user's choice. Each path isprinted as a sequence of symbol pairs.'random-lex' prints 15 random words from the upper-side language ofeither the SOURCE network or the RESULT network, depending on theuser's choice. Only the lexical or upper side words are printed.'random-surf' prints 15 random words from the lower-side language ofuser's choice. Only the surface or lower side words are printed.'read-result ' loads the pre-compiled network in and stores it in the RESULT register. Any previous RESULT networkis overwritten.'reset-props' reads a set of attribute-value pairs from a text fileand resets the property list of the SOURCE or the RESULT network,overwriting any previously stored properties.'run-script ' executes the script of lexc commandspreviously stored in . Record a new script with'begin-script' and 'end-script'. Scripts can also be created in atext editor.'set' allows you to edit certain attributes of the RESULT.'show-flags' is an ON/OFF switch. If it is ON, 'random', 'random-lex',and 'random-surf' display flag diacritics. Default is OFF.'singles' is an ON/OFF or toggled switch that affects the output ofthe 'check-all' command. If the 'singles' switch is ON, 'check-all'prints all upper-side strings from the SOURCE network that yieldexactly one surface output in the RESULT network. If the 'singles'switch is OFF, 'check-all' does not print such forms. Usually thelisting of such 'singles' solutions is overwhelming and notinteresting, so the default setting is OFF.'read-rules ' loads the transducer network(s) in and stores them in the RULES register, overwriting any previousRULES network(s). The files read by 'read-rules' should be binaryfiles saved from xfst or twolc.'read-source ' loads the pre-compiled network in and stores it in the SOURCE register. Any previous SOURCE network'result-to-source' moves the network in the RESULT register to theSOURCE register, clearing the RESULT register and overwriting anyprevious SOURCE network.'save-props' writes the property list of the SOURCE or the RESULTnetwork to a text file in the format expected by 'add-props' and'reset-props'.'save-result ' stores the current RESULT network to file ina binary format. Use 'read-result' or 'read-source' to read in filescreated in this way.'save-source ' stores the current SOURCE network to file ina binary format. Use 'read-source' or 'read-result' to read in files'source-to-result' copies the network in the SOURCE register to theRESULT register, overwriting any previous RESULT network.'status' displays information about the current SOURCE, RULES, andRESULT. It also displays the current setting of the switches.'storage' displays statistics about current memory usage.'time' is an ON/OFF or toggled switch that provides timing informationfor some commands. The default setting is OFF.'utf8-mode' is an ON/OFF or toggled switch that indicates theexpected character encoding format of text input. If utf8-mode is ON,text input to lexc should consist of UTF-8 encoded Unicode characters.If utf8-mode is OFF, the input should be in ISO-8859-1 (= Latin 1).'verbose' is an ON/OFF or toggled switch that, when ON, causesdebugging information to be printed during certain operations. Suchinformation is likely to be useful only to lexc developers. Thedefault setting is OFF.Sorry. No help on that. 4 LDTtpP 0@)rd4<|$L4\allInput/OutputSource:Rules:Result:Properties:OperationsComposition:Checking:Switches:Scripts:DisplayMisc:Help:Type 'quit' to exit.   !"#$%&'(()*)++,,,,,-./0112344555566666788:9;;<<==>@?AACBDDEEEEEEEEEEEFFGHIJKLMN $-))'+ #"!%.0(   E&F1C/*24BI3GA6D,>B7H5@?<:8=;9r &(*+8-.: $5 "#;DEVFGW03XIK3'/24+(().*QROP512HL9AHBCH 1^\@`c_NeRH=>)g1h1MO!]bS%mY11[nopq'd)?TU,/17ij klJa<Zfst64QP!;A,"AD !#NM:ORNSR Y#[#AB!F dI##Lijkl R%&%&## ]^ bc$&& $"DCparser stack overflowbad inputparse errorh'''''''(<P|,\, 0@P`p'''''''$''0D\t,<iLdx line %ld: %s at '%s' $$,+!! +%%+%)%"#'%%%%%*!! ++**)+*(**+++$!! $! &%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%******! *****$$! &%%%%%%%%% *****%%%%%% ******%%%%%% *******%%%%%% *****%%%% *%%%% %%%% %%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%    !"#$%&'()*+,-'./012'34'56789:;<=>?@ABC'DEFGHI'JKLM''NO'PQRST''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''RY_Pg=06G1/{}Z*vv "/@}`qp_A^@Y:FA$FKbg~S4CF+0G.6E!'B#<$#Q X<^LXsg3OTiLvf5Qzwtk_^x[|u{XYOhH_>S6Z<">9UZ.qvJ-KWA?(7<7)  <7$hSXotkssndy^qqnbdeY?9O1F'N?L; 7 |ye`jrTfE_`95C'O?)( +!t{\{zymqI^AE$?@iv8:=EMU]agnv~ !"#$%"""""""""&&&'&! 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NOTE: If you declare MULTICHAR_SYMBOLS instead of ALPHABET, all undeclared symbols are parsed as single characters. If neither set is declared, then all symbols are parsed as single characters. *** regex error *** line %ld: Regular expression error: '%s' Configurationsinit_config_memConfiguration statesConfiguration deltaStates are the same, but finality differs. Composite labelsWarning! UPPER is a tuple, not an atom. (%d) Warning! LOWER is a tuple, not an atom. (%d) *<:>build_middle_matchbuild_composite_labelsComposite statesWarning: Labels occur in lexicon output, but not in rule input: *** Warning: Some SOURCE labels do not occur in RESULT: full_compose_lexicon_fstLexicon is NULLRules are NULLEpenthetical forms are possible. No epenthesis. Initial and final word boundaries added. Insertion of word boundaries canceled. No surrounding word boundaries added. .Done. %ld automata configurations. %ld arcs share destinations. Minimizing...*** Error: Expecting an initial { and final } in %s *** Bad character in atomnum: %c KKKLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLKKKLLL\LdLlLtL|LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL\LdLlLtL|LL*** Error: "%s" is too large for an octal number. Max is "\377". *** Error: '%s' contains an illegal NULL character. *** Error: Expecting an initial " in %s *** Error: Expecting a final " in "%s NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN8R R@R@R@R0R@R@R@R@R@R@R@RR@R@R@R(R@RR@RRrFile '%s' was called by a regular expression. It could not be opened. File may not exist and is not opened.File '%s' was called by a regular expression. It was already opened on a higher level. This kind of recursion is not allowed. -File '%s' was called by a regular expression. It does not contain any regular expressions. *** WARNING: File '%s' was called by a regular expression. It contains %d regular expressions. Only the first expression was used to create a network !!!File '%s' was called by a regular expression. It does not contain any binary network. *** WARNING: File '%s' was called by a regular expression. It contains %d binary networks. Only the first network was used !!!File '%s' was called by a regular expression. It does not contain any prolog network. *** WARNING: File '%s' was called by a regular expression. It contains %d prolog networks. Only the first network was used !!!No network(s) created File '%s' was called by a regular expression. It has a wrong type specification after '@'. $XXXQ= *1. fggg&%LKUTRP-/g"!03  !"#$%%&'%(%%)*+%,%%%-%%%%./0123%4%%5%%%6%%789:;%<=>?%%@%%ABCD%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%54CJOQSUX[u3210^`KJgkNW&WqWHSWWWW:-[5WW )%@4WdWWWWWWAWW?WW>GW!*-[W=WWWW<W*W9>WWn XW'&%WW#"WWWWWWWWWW WpWWSWWWlWWWW0WW"Wz,ghk(k~[WW~WW}WWhkWWWedWWWWW=WWWWqwxWWWWWWWWW{WWWWeWxxWWWWW^W&W`SXD6(>CWWjW&   !!""##$%&''''($))%'&''(**$%%$$+++'T'',())'****$++''+++-. !"#$%&'()*+,-./01(((2345678((((((((((((((9:;<=>(((((((((((((?@ABDDEFGGDDEFGGJKJKMNMNPPYZYZkH[[_`H_`lQbbQRSTSUSSSUUSVSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSWfqstruvrrbbgdddddhdidhddddddddjhhhdddjdjdhhhhhhhhhhhhhhddddddhhhhhhhhhhhhhddddnfnoonnnfnqoorrronongngononyqz{|r}~rqrqq q  nrnqoonnrnrnqqoorrrononn    onondmm    ddddddiddddddddddddddddddddddddqqqdrqqrrqCCCCCCCIIIIIIILLLLLLLOOOOOOOXXXXXXX\\\\\\\^^^^^^^ddddddeeeeeemmmmmmppexwca]]O O%%  #():P1z4DD)()z)144(4(11tPXX:[[Xbb[t#$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&R&5&&&&7&e&S5U&7&555S7U7SSUU&&&&R&8jej8j8&&&&/V<<<<v///V//v8v/VmV8888<<Vm ///m/mno //////no//p/nono<TpTrTTTTpTpTrTTrrTTTTTTTTTiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii           !!!!!!!"""""""#######$$$$$$%%%%%%&&&&&&''(((((())))))*******++,,,,,-------.......|{yxusga`ZNKHF@960.-! ...Warning: missing semicolon. Character '%c' (0x%x) does not belong to any character group. It may cause unexpected results. warning: non-printable character 0x%x encountered. flex scanner jammedfatal flex scanner internal error--no action foundDdc\dddc|eeffggggggghh h,h8hDhPh\hhhthhhhhhhhhhhhiii(i4i@iLiiXidipi|iiiiiiiiij jj$j0j?@AC$%&'CGJ|9iiiiiijiiiiiiii ii iij i i i i i/////// ii iIIIIIII))/// III i        h !"#"$""""""""""""""""gf%&'&&&&&&((&&&&&&(&)&&&&((((((((((((((((&&&&*+,++ed++<+=+--c++++++-+.++++----------------++++/00/12345446644141400144444404b44440000000000000000444478"88a`888_8..^888888.8.8888................8888"""">"?ZY"""""""@XW@ABCDEDDFFDDADADGGADDDDDDGDHDDDDGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGDDDDI00IJKLMNMMOOMMJMJMPPJMMMMMMPMMMMMPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPMMMMV;QRRRRRRR))RRRRRR)R)RRRR))))))))))))))))RRRRST,TT:9TTTiTUUiTTTTTTUTiTTTTUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTTTT""""iiiii[\'\\\\\\]]\\\\\\]\\\\\]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]\\\\iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij f ec a`   _ ^ ZYXW !"# ="<@ABC!D#@ABC!D#$;:$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''))9))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))///////////////////////////////////////////EFGHEFGHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifatal flex scanner internal error--no action found`xĖЖܖ \\(<thfatal flex scanner internal error--end of buffer missedfatal error - scanner input buffer overflowinput in flex scanner failedflex scanner push-back overflowout of dynamic memory in yy_create_buffer()out of dynamic memory in yy_scan_buffer()out of dynamic memory in yy_scan_bytes()bad buffer in yy_scan_bytes()%s        1+,-  "(-) )* !' 0"!#2$%/&3(.    $ /     parser stack overflowC-fsm error: cannot intern symbol in function make_fst_label()C-fsm error1: cannot intern symbol in function intern_unicode()parse errorkާާާئXXdt*** %s at '%s'   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnoppppqqrrsssssssttttttttttttuuvwwwxxxxyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyzz{{||}}}}}~GH?DEeFKLMNO _ !"#>BC(QSPV%3,456da)c-.789:JIoyt~z{|}pqrsuvwxlmn&$` bkg;=</01*+_RUTYZW]^[_X\jihfA2'@ !"#$%&'()*+,-./012VnN((CCCCu ; ;Luuuuub(iuu; u6`n V8OM>B@ACD3i4hf9:8;<=57CDWXjklmCDCDPQ  g YZ[]^_ GHIJ KLM 6PQ STU YZ[]^_a GHIJ KLM PQR STU or yz{|  ?  YZ[]^_GHIJKLMPQ STU EFGHIJ KLMNOPQRSTUYZ[\]^_`aGHIJKLMPQbcdeSTUopqrstuvwxyz{|}~]^_45==?*   45= !\]^_4545EFGHIJKLMNOPQRCD7V\]^_7878%=8hi =n'CD*[#$%`a()*h``+,h.ni21 !"789:;012 L>CD`acdefgh+,.YZ[789:;#$%()* /L !"`acdefgh+,.012789:;CD LLYZ[`acdefgh+,.789:;@ EMNOP UVWX+,`.bcdefgh789:;+,>.789:;#$%()* !"/`cdefgh012`acdefgh CDYZ[+,. !"789:;0123456=CDL`cdefghYZ[#$%&()*-/ !"012CDijklYZ[@ABbEFGHIJKMNOPQRSTUVWXparser stack overflow%s:%dC-fsm error: cannot intern symbol in function intern_literal()C-fsm error: cannot intern symbol in function intern_unicode()parse errorlЭܯ(<PdxȮܮ,@Txܯܴ 4HXhxȰذ0DXl|ر$dp|Բ<$4DXlг  0@TdtĴܴܴܴ$,4<DLT\dlt|*** Regex error at %s on line %d in '%s' *** Regex error (%s) at %s too many errors (%d): trying to terminate processing ***Illegal use of '' as an ordinary label. The complement operator ~ is defined only for regular languages: ~A denotes the language [?* - A]. You must use the expression [[?:?]* - A] instead of ~A if A represents a relation. The term complement operator \ is defined only for \A denotes the language [? - A]. You must use the [?:? - A] instead of \A if A represents a relation. 12ir*** %s is not valid: 1 = upper, 2 = lower, i = invert, r = reverse *** Error in a %s statement. %s must be a simple network, not a transducer. CENTERrestrictLEFTRIGHT Aborting. Returning ?* instead. SIMPLE_RESTRICTIONWrong arrow type******* The -> operator cannot be applied to a transducer. *******MAP_TO_EPSShouldn't happenreplace.cfound_pstate && arc...*** Sorry. Cannot apply to a net containing: , or . *^^**<<**>>*(upper_nets && lower_nets && (upper_nets)->len == (lower_nets)->len) || !(upper_nets || lower_nets) ***** ERROR in PARALLEL REPLACEMENT: %s *UPR-AUX**** Only one '%s' allowed in an insert clause! *** Sorry, insert option is only supported in directed replacement. '%s' is not allowed here yet. 0All UPPER, LOWER, LEFT and RIGHT must be simple fsm, and no transducers. Invalide arrow typel$0LX`**EPS-SINGLE**%s%d*eps_single**EPS-MULTIPLE**eps_multi**STR-BEGIN**str_begin**STR-END**str_endboundariesallall**APPLIC-LEFT**APAPall|>APbracketsepsilonseps+brsall_auxreal_symbolBrUpperNoBrUpperApBrUpperNoApBrUpperwrong upwards_p in 'repl_struct_to_nvv' *<%d-*>%d-UPPER*** ERROR: INSERT_SYMBOL occured in %s LEFT contextRIGHT context*** ERROR: Chunk markers must not contain OTHER. @BrUp~$@++++ANCRE++++~$BrUp*** PROGRAMMING ERROR in Parallel Replacement: Recursion depth > %d reached PLEASE, WARN THE PROGRAMMER. wrong context direction@     *CPR-AUX*** ERROR in Parallel Replacement: Arrow variable must not have value %d. )4))()4)4)4)4)))) test01 functions for Conditional Parallel Deterministic Replacement are not implemented yet. **** Every context of the restrict operation has to be a simple fsm and not a transducer. *RST-AUX* Aborting. Returning [?*] instead. RESTRICTION IN MULTIPLE CONTEXTSREGEX_PARSEPositive integer expected Cannot use the definition of '' in ':' because it denotes a relation. Cannot compile the product. rb*** Cannot open %s *** "@" operator returns first net only. Ignoring additional nets in "%s". *** Nothing in REGISTER %d The complement operator ~ is defined only for regular languages: ~A denotes the language [?* - A]. You must use the expression [[?:?]* - A] instead of ~A if A represents a relation. SINGLE_CHAR_SIGMA_FSMsymbol pair not allowed in sigmaMULTI_CHAR_SIGMA_FSMOnly FSM-s allowed.OTHER not handled yet.BOUNDARY_SYMBOL not handled yet.Circular.more than %lu paths.more than max. number of allowed paths.PARSE_UNICODE_STRINGsymbol fsm is not as expectedsymbol pair not allowed in an fsmString parsed to ID-s: %d, String parsed to characters/symbols: SIGMA_BUTInput alphabet contains OTHERREPEAT_LABELIllegal label idREPEAT_FSMMAX less than MINCONTAINS_NO_LABELCannot add fstpair to sigmaCONTAINS_ALLdeterminize_fsmCan't determinize an optimized network. Un-optimizing ... Determimizing ... Complete is not implemented for transducers. Aborting. COMPLETE_NETEPSILON in the sigmaEPSILON found in a net marked as epsilonfree.COMPLETE_SIDETwo altchain arcs in one state.EPSILON, OTHER, and ALTCHAIN_SYMBOL cannot be used as a fail_tag. Aborting.Copying the original network... Extracting the upper side of the network... Extracting the lower side of the network...Side neither UPPER nor LOWER Complementing...%ld states, %ld arcs added. Merging original net with the complement... Done. negate_netCan't compute the negation of an optimized network. IGNORE_ALPHBad side_p argumentCONCAT_LABELX:Xconcat_fsmCan't concatenate optimized networks. union_fsm_auxCan't compute the union with optimized networks. Can't compute the union with an optimized network. Unioning ... UNION_FSM_AUXState count is 0 but statelist not emptyINTERSECT_FSMINTERSECT_PGET_LOWER_ARRAYMAKE_ARC_STACKSCompose arcs to doMAKE_LOWER_MAPFLAGS_PRESENT_PBad argument*** Warning: It is unsafe to treat flag diacritics as special in composition when both networks contain flags. Please set the variable compose-flag-as-special to OFF. compose_fst_pairCan't compute the composition with an optimized network. Composing ... COMPOSE_FST*** Warning: Only regular languages and equal length relations are closed under intersection. This network appears to represent a relation that includes pairs of different lengths. The result may be incorrect. new_intersect_fsmCan't intersect with an optimized network. minus_fsmCan't run the minus operator with an optimized network. MINUS_FSMMinus arcs to docalculus.cold1old2N2 not deterministicMIN_FSMLabel alphabet not correctly maintained*** ERROR: wrong side-parameter in 'oneside_minus_fsm' *** Aborting crossproduct. %s. Operation is not applicable to a transducerNot enough memory for this operationSorry. %s flags cannot yet be eliminated. t $Ttttt\UUUUUELIMINATE_FLAG_ATTRIBUTEOdd label arityINSERTUnknown flag action___pD INIT_STATE_MANAGERNew pair statesINDEX_NET is not OLD1 or OLD2MERGE_FSMThe merge operation cannot be applied to a transducerVECTOR_REFNOTE: Making start state final on empty sequence. SEQS_TO_NET %ld words so far. Compressing intermediate nets. :#!-*-codingutf-8utf8iso-8859-1iso88591iso8859-1iso-8859/1iso8859/1latin-1latin1*** Unknown character encoding: %s WORD_FILE_TO_FSMNETWORK_FROM_TEXT_FILE0?%! PRINT_FSM_PATHNot expecting an FSTLABEL.*** Aborting. Network is circular. Arcs to writeNETWORK_TO_TEXT_FILENothing to do: The network has not been optimized. WARNING: in function '%s' %s SHARE_delete_altchain_arcs()ALTCHAIN arc is not the last one in the arc list. Initial (now probably corrupted) net will be returned.States to copyALLOCATE_SEQUENCE_DATAGET_SEQUENCEUnrecognized data type: %d allocate_sequence_data23242`222<3d33COPY_BYTE_BLOCKCOPY_IO_SYMBOLCOPY_SEQUENCE45D4d4444505L5Cannot copy a symbol package outside of a sequence. copy_object6+7+7 606D6T6666COPY_FSMTabular and compacted nets cannot be copied.*** Programmer alert! State count in COPY_FSM is %ld, should be %ld **** Programmer alert! Arc count in COPY_FSM is %ld, should be %ld Start state does not belong to the net End state does not belong to the net End state is not reachable. States do not belong to the net Definitions*** Warning: Defined symbol '' occurs as a component in ''. *** Incorrect 'define_label_set'. Too many states.. *** Recursion exceeds limit (%d). Aborting... Unsupported file format: cannot load this network. cannot write network to file. States to reachLABEL_LENGTHBad argument %d arcs traversed, in %d maximal depth. START_LOOPS_PNet incorrectly marked as loopfreeSublanguage state pairsSUBLANGUAGE_PEquivalence state pairsEQUIV_FSM_PEPSILON_LOOP_STATE_PBad arityShouldn't happenStates to connectINVERT_TUPLELABEL_CHECKUnaccounted labelUnaccounted labelsBINARY_LABELS_ADD_TOUnexpected labelNot a legal visit_mark %d index_pathsINDEX_NETSYMSUBSTSYMSUBST_MODIFY Cannot substitute for an fstpair. Cannot substitute an fstpair. LABEL_NAME_FROM_STREAMString too longNo nets. Symbol substitute aborted. '%s' deleted. '%s' replaced. %ld arc arcs removed added in %d nets. . No changes. Symbol '%s' does not exist. *** Warning: '%s' cannot be unambiguously interpreted. Upper symbol = '%s', lower symbol = '%s' Old symbols: No changes. New symbols: Symbol '%s' does not exist. CLOSE_SIGMASIGMA not closedDETERMINIZE_GET_STATEStates to determinizeDeterminizer indicesDETERMINIZEdeterminize_fsmCan't determinize an optimized network. Un-optimizing ... Determimizing ... MINIMIZECOMPACT_SIGMANo equivalence class for OTHER found.Resuming. Operands of any stack-modifying operation will be lost. States to rmapLEP_copy_sectionProgramming errorLEP_eps_push_in_tailWrong arc label arity %hi in argument networkLEP_local_eps_push_fstThe add_path operation currently does not handle compacted or vectorized or labelset reduced transducers. Path is already in the network ---> exit. add-words is not yet implemented ... word: %d model: ---------- %s States to printPositions to rememberArcs to printAttributes to rememberValues to remember.. Word count: %ld (actually, infinite) s%.1f Gb%.1f Mb%.1f Kb%d bytesnet-io.cvinfovinfo->op1. %ld state%s, %ld arc%s, Virtual, Circular, more than %lu paths, %lu path%s. Tabular. . Compacted. . : (no arcs) -> [non-det, States: ( real), Arcs: Operation: operand 1: operand: operand 2: Net: Flags:*** Sorry. Have trouble finding valid paths in this net. *** Quitting after 50 failed attempts. Buffer size exceeded: %d. WORD_FROM_NUMBERWord not foundNetwork is empty. ADJUST_PATH_INDEX_VECTORCan't compute path numbers: the net is not indexed ! Argument too large: %ld. WORD_TO_NUMBERArgument is neither UPPER nor LOWERNo WORD-TO-FILEPOS-MAP on the index net! --> Level (= (final)Arcs: Sorry. Cannot inspect a virtual net yet. States inspected'N' transits arc N, '-N' returns to level N, '<' to previous level, '0' quits. Inspect: <0State names range from 1 to %d Arc names range from 1 to %d Output buffer full, please increase MAX_TALLY_ID_LENGTH to at least %d States to renameTOP_SORT_NETIncorrect state countCannot reorder arcs when arcs are shared! reorder_arcsREORDER_ARCSToo little space to reorder?init_btree_memBTREE_HEAP cannot be reinitializedBinary treesINIT_BTREE_MEMBT_INSERTBTREE_INSERTinit_btree_memCONS_HEAP cannot be reinitializedCons cellsinit_cons_meminit_dbl_memDBLheap cannot be reinitializedinit_dblcouldn't allocate memory for DBL_LINKsdblalloccouldn't allocate DBL_LINK** ERROR: %s in '%s' (%d) ** Press return to exit. %% Warning: %s in '%s' (%d) Out of memory%s Negative or zero length PROGRAMMING ERROR in %s() : ---- Please report ---- Missing actionerror_bufferputAction 'put' requires non-NULL message clearlastallBad action '%s'This command cannot be applied to a virtual net THIN_TO_FATTHIN_TO_TEMP_FATFAT_TO_THINx000`0000000000000000000000000000000000000L000000000000000801111111111|1t1l1d1\1T1222x2p2h2`2X2P2H2@28202(2 22P3H3@38303(3 33333222224333333333333333CHARCODE_TO_FSTRINGINTEGER_TO_FSTRINGNETWORK_FROM_FILE%c<%d,%d>FPRINTF_CHAR_AS_HEXIllegal hex value\5L5<5,55 544444444|4l4\x\u"\v""\b""\r""\t""\n"" "%%""%c"5665`66`6`6`6`6`6`6`6`6`6`6`6`6`6`6`6`6`6`686`6D6\v\b\r\t\n\\%0%s%?%%:999999999999999"\f"%"::::;:8;8;8;8;8;8;8;8;8;8;8;8;8;8;8;8;8;8;:8;$;@@F8F0F(F FFFFFEEEEEEEMAKE_HASH_TABLE%s: %4ld bytes, %7ld in use, %7ld total (%ldK) * Heaps * Total: %ld Kbytes. INIT_HEAPHeap name longer than HEAP_NAME_MAX_LEN charactersHEAP_ITEMSLoop in the free listADD_BLOCK*** ERROR: Not enough memory. Cannot continue. This is the situation: Total %ld bytes in use. cell_alloccan't allocate from null heapcouldn't allocate memory for cellsERROR: cell %p already freed free_cellcell_size must be larger than a pointerMAP_HEAPFreelist is not emptyINIT_LAB_VECTORADD_LABEL_VECTORMAKE_LAB_VECTORASSURE_LAB_VECT_SPACEAttempting to create an enumerator for a NULL vector. create_lab_enumeratorCREATE_LAB_ENUMERATORMAKE_LAB_VECTOR_TABLEASSURE_LAB_VECTOR_TABLE_SPACE MAKE_LAB_VECTOR_RINGlab-vect.caddr < sizeaddr >= start_posaddr < (lab_vector)->lengthString buffer overflow at size %d %s: %s >>> SCRIPT: %s%s %s (y/n) [%c]: Please answer 'y' or 'n'. Input file (- = stdin) [cancel]:Input file [stdin]:Cancelled. stdinrInput file [cancel]:rbOutput file (- = stdout) [cancel]:stdoutwOutput file [cancel]:wbquery_fopenImproper mode -Warning: Script will not contain stdin keystrokes. %sCREATE_STACKUnknownStack name more than STACK_NAME_MAX_LEN charspushcan't push onto NULL stackout of memory, could not allocate new heap%s: %5ld max depth, %5ld depth, %5ld bytes (%ldK) * Stacks * ================================================================ Total: %ld Kbytes. MAKE_STRING_BUFFERASSURE_SPACEMAKE_VECTORNegative or zero lengthASSURE_VECTOR_SPACEAttempting to create an enumerator for a NULL vector. create_vector_enumeratorCREATE_VECTOR_ENUMERATORMAKE_VECTOR_TABLEASSURE_VECTOR_TABLE_SPACEGET_FAT_STRGET_ENCRYPTED_FAT_STRGET_IO_SYMBOLGET_BYTE_BLOCKRead errorGET_SEQUENCEget_objectIllegal object typetHăget_sequenceIllegal sequence type<ȅ4ɇ  ԆDget_atomsUnimplemented object typeIllegal symbol typetԉNETWORK_FROM_FILEGET_ALPHABETIllegal negative labelget_arcno state at locStates to readRead failed. Not enough memory for %ld states. 100%% 0%%GET_ARCS_AND_STATESarc count mismatchstate count mismatchMAP_ARC_BLOCKmMap failedGET_ARC_BLOCKREMOVE_EPSILONTwo epsilons?No epsilons?Unrecognized file type: %dCompactedNETWORK_FROM_STREAMfewer than 1 state expected!Standardnetwork_from_streambyte count mismatch*** ERROR: file contains a transition tablewhich cannot be read in this implementation. Unsupported file format: *** The application is not permitted to load this file. You need a licensed version of the program. rbCannot open '%s' File cannot be loaded. NamesAUTHORSCHARENCODINGCHARNAMESCOMPACTED-PCOMPOUNDHARCOPYRIGHTDATEDIACRITICSEQV-VECTORFUNCTIONLANGUAGELITERALNAMESNETWORKNAMENEUTRALLINKINGCHAROPERATIONPOSTFIXLINKINGCHARPREFIXLINKINGCHARSAVED-SIGMASIGMASOURCESTATUSTAGSTOOLVERSIONSTRANSCRIPTTYPEVECTORIZE-NVERSIONSTRINGWORD-TO-FILEPOS-MAP0?NILTOTHERINTERLISPLISPParse table vectorsParse table nodesParse tableNetworksAlphabetsStatesArcs%XMAKE_NETWORKARC_ALLOCALLOC_STATE*** Problem with arc label '' renumber_arc_labelskey item out of rangearc label out of rangeMAKE_ALPH_ITEMSALPHABET length exceeds MAX_LABELlog(max) exceeds 'MAX_LV'Label vectorsMAKE_ALPHBad typeCannot allocate alphabet larger than MAX_LABELLABELS_TO_ALPHBad label idProgrammer alert: EPSILON in SIGMA. adjust_alph_sizecan't adjust null alphBINARY_TO_LABELLABEL_TO_BINARYexpand_sigmaThis function is obsolete. Call adjust_alph_size() insteadProgrammer alert: two occurrences of the same label in a label alphabet. NET_labels unspecifiedlabels and sigma must be either both NULL or both non-NULLupdate_net_labels_and_sigmaADD_PROPMAKE_OBJECTMAKE_SEQUENCEUnknown typexxxpxxxxxADD_PROP_OF_TYPEUPDATE_SUBLISTExpecting a list of two stringsExpecting a list of stringsPAIR_TO_LISTMARK_VERSIONValue of TOOLVERSIONS should be a list of lists.FREE_ALPH_ITEMSIllegal ALPH maxMAKE_BYTE_BLOCK`Xstruct.clistvinfo->methods->data_type == DATA_STATEFREE_NETWORKWrong file format: can't free the network...*** ERROR: network contains a transition tablewhich cannot be handled in this implementation. *** ERROR: unmap failure. MAKE_ALPH_VECTORMAKE_NVEXPAND_NVnv_insertPOS out of range*** No net at position %d nv_extractNV_APPENDMAKE_NVVNVV_APPEND***** ERROR in %s ***** %s : %d and %d APPEND REPLACEMENT STRUCTUREdifferent arrowsdifferent context directionsUTF-8ISO-8859-1Unknown character encodingmake_vector_state*** Nonfinal ALTCHAIN arc vectorize.cstate != dest!(dest_array[i])!(dest_array[label_id])VECTORIZE-Nvectorize_netCan't vectorize a non-deterministic network. Net arc vectorsreduced_to_unreduced_mapmake_vector_state_from_reducedarc_unreduced_arcs_alph && (arc_unreduced_arcs_alph)->len > 0***make_vector_state_from_reduced(): Nonfinal ALTCHAIN arc Arc vectors *** ERROR *** counting error in vectorization of dense states VERSIONCREATION-DATELANGUAGESOURCECHARENCODINGAUTHORSCOPYRIGHT%d. %s: %s (none) Please type a number (1-%d) [cancel]: Cancelled. Cleared %s. %s selected. Old value: New value [cancel]: Done. WRITE_BLOCKWrite errorwrite_objectIllegal object type; ; ;  < (< @< X< write_sequenceIllegal sequence typeT@ A ? 0? ? 4@ x@ @ @ @ MAKE_TALLY_FILE*** Programmer alert: Wrong state count. *** Programmer alert: Wrong arc count. %4d.%6ld RESTORE_TALLYNET is not compactedWRITE_ATOMSNET arity incorrectly setArcs to write 100%% 0%%WRITE_ARC_BLOCKWrite failed. *** Programmer alert: Wrong arity. Marked as %d, should be %d. Fixed. *** ERROR: network contains a transition tablewhich cannot be written to a file in this implementation. network_to_streamSTATE_COUNT mismatch)ARC_COUNT mismatchOnly %d nets present. Cannot write %d. wbCannot open '%s' Compact statesGET_DEST_STATEFREE_CSCell not foundINIT_COMPACT_NET_GLOBALSBad first byteCONFIG_INITHOMECOPYRIGHT_OWNERthe Xerox Corporationontrueofffalse"%s", line %d: Invalid Boolean keyword '%s': must be one of 'on', 'off', 'true' or 'false' fsmrc%s/.%srFSMHOME/usr/local/lib/%s%s/lib/%s"%s", line %d: syntax error at : %s copyrightcompletionMAKE_FST_CONTEXTMAKE_DEFAULT_HEADERCOPYRIGHTAUTHORSCHARENCODINGSOURCELANGUAGECREATION-DATEVERSIONXerox CorporationFST Internal error: Incorrect side value: %d : Current value: SUCCEEDS. New value: FAILS. New value: (Neutral value)complement of flag_actionId of the flag value greater than 32767FLAG_ACTIONUnknown action or testw w w w w x ,x x x \x px FLAG_ATTRIBUTE_OCCURS_IN_POdd label arityGMT_DATE%B %d, %Y %H:%M:%S GMTNONEPUBLICLICENSEDRESERVEDXEROXUNKNOWNCHECK_LICENSECannot set license type: not enough privilegeInvalid license typeensure_loc_spaceadjust_string_bufferCOPYRIGHT-NOTICECopyright (c) %Y by MAKE_HEADERFREE_HEADERDo not try to free a static header. File date is: %s Earliest possible date is: %s Current date is: %s *** The application is not permitted to load this file. You need a licensed version of the program. rbCannot open '%s' Unknown file type %d GET_HEADERBad file lengthBad file dateBad header lengthBad license typeReserved header bytes not zerosBad copyright locationREAD_HEADERheader length mismatchWRITE_HEADERStart locations: No header. No files have been read or written. File name: Write date: Copyright notice: Net count: net netsFile type: Compressed IndexVery Old StandardVery Old CompactedOld StandardOld CompactedStandardCompactedFile version: File length: bytesNo files have been read or saved yet. **** Last input file **** **** Last output file **** .#. 0 ?%  0 ?%  COPY_LABEL_NAMEArgument neither UPPER, LOWER, or BOTH_SIDESNOTE: For atomic labels, the printing format is: id{'symbol_name}(has label data) For tuple labels, the printing format is: id(has label data) %3d. {''}(has label data) FLAG_DIACR_ACTIONNo such action$ D d l l l T l l l l 4 l , l L \ l < ** WARNING: id of the flag value greater than 32767 ---> some flag actions may fail Attribute namesValue namesEXTRACT_NEXT_COMPONENTBad flag diacritic nameFLAG_DIACRITIC_NAME_PCannot parse the diacritic labelCLEAR SET UNIFY DISALLOW REQUIRE FAILINSERT EQUALITY TEST of PRINT_FLAG_DIACRITICBad datafeature '' to to the complement of with and Unknown action or test feature ' value ' 0 D X h x             Х  :MAKE_FLAG_DIACRMAKE_SYMBOL_MAPSymbol namesKEYWORD**EPSILON****OTHER****DUMMY_SYMBOL****BOUNDARY_SYMBOL***ALTCHAIN* *_DET_EPSILON_intern_new_symbolINTERN_NEW_LABELINTERN_NEW_SYMBOL** ERROR: Too many labels. Maximum id number is %d Cannot continueTuple as a tuple constituent*** Warning: label '' is illegal: flag diacritics on both sides of the symbol pair. TUPLE_ERROR0?Unexpected end-of-file Write error. No space on device? Aborting. make_ch_nodemake_ch_node_nextSHORT2HEXInvalid hex number*** Warning: Symbol %d is an empty string. MAKE_LOOKUP_TABLESCOLLECT_ATOMSSET_RANGE map_symbol_rangeMissing labelMAKE_RANGE_MAPMAKE_RANGE_VECTORMAKE_MATCH_TABLEThe nework does not have a reduced labelset. make_match_tableUnknown symbol: '' No parse table created because FSTs do not belongto a bimachine or are incorrectly markedputNo parse table created because one or both FSTshave no label alphabetREORDER_STATESToo little space to reorderState count incorrect. Too low.State count incorrect. Too high.Output buffer full, please increase OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE to at least %d   t D     | L         h 8     p @     x "\t""\n"" ""\r""\v""\b""\f"  4  d                      0 ?% .#. 0 ?%  Size:s%d flag diacritic%s %d min %d sec %d sec ,deterministicprunedcompletedminimizedepsilon_freesorted_statesloop_freevisit_marks_dirtyshared_arc_listshas_arc_user_pointerclosed_sigmacompactedupper_sequentializedlower_sequentializedleft_bimachineright_bimachinereduced_labelsetvirtualKaplan compressedoptimizedArity:\x()'" %XPRINT_OBJECTIllegal Object type "Object"%ld'' "" Illegal Object type "Symbol_package"< >( )#Illegal Object type: < 9 9 9 H: : L; ; ;  PRINT_SEQUENCEIllegal Sequence type\= ? x< < < = > > > $? : NewObjectNewSequenceSetSequenceLen? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? A EA EA  !##O$%&'8'&'&'''&'&'&&''&&&'&&))<M*+PR=5=S5,'---'7.P-'-'/='-'''_'02R]S3f_S5f458S8f8f888f8_8ff88fSf8ffff9ffffff:?f8??????????ff?@?? A??????BffBCBBDEBBBBBB##f$%ffff9ffffff:))ffHIK--fffff-f-f,fff-fffffLfffff3ffffff454f4f4f444f4f4ff44fff48f8f888f8ffff88fff8OfOfOfOOOfOfOffOOfffOTffTUTTDTTTTTTVffVWVVXEVVVVVVBTfOBTBTTTBTBTBBTTBBBTBBEffEEEEEEEEEEE##f$%))ffZ[))ffHI4f4f4f444f4ff4f44fff4OfOfOfOOOfOffOfOOfffO^f^f^f^^^f^f^ff^^fff^`ff`a``X``````V`f^V`V```V`V`VV``VVV`VV))ffZ[))ffZ[cdefffffffff^f^f^f^^^f^ff^f^^fff^))ffZ[cdeffffffffff7fffff""""""""""((((((((((11fff1ff1188fff8ff88;ffff;ff;;ffFFFFGGGGGGGGGGJJfJJ''f'''''''4ffff4ff45ffff5fff5OffffOffOQffffQffQQ??f???????YYYYYYYYYY\\f\\^ffff^ff^TTfTTTTTTTbbfbb``f```````ffffffffffffffffffffffff6e6a6 U @ 4 :;K&:;;K==ONQNOSQQS^^ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""""''''((((,,,,,,,,111133333333333999999999<<<<<<<<<<<AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEFFFFGGGGJJJJMMMMMMMMMMMPPPPPPPPPPPRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWYYYY\\\\]]]]___________bbbbccccggggghhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiijjjjjkkkkkllllmmmmmmmmnnnnooooooooooppppqqqqqqqqqrrrssstttuuuuvvvvvvvvvwwwwwwwwwwxxxxyyyzzzzzzzzz{{{{|||||||||ffffffffffffffffffffffffffatal flex scanner internal error--no action foundLN O LN O PP P P P P P P LQ Q R  R R $R 0R unreduce_key)->items[(i)] <= (rum)->lengthCannot restore without the full alphabet Nothing to do. The labelset has not been reduced. No EQV_VECTOR. Nothing to restore. RESTORE_EQV_ARCSinconsistent argumentsbuild_arc_remove_alphempty equivalence class foundbuild_eqv_mappingvirtual-base.cvinfo '%c' (0x%X) in '%s' is an illegal UTF-8 character. UTF8_THIN_TO_TEMP_FATUTF8_THIN_TO_FATFAT_TO_THIN%s\x\x%x%c"\v""\b""\r""\t""\n"" "%%""%c"@ X d 4  L                      <%d,%d>\v\b\r\t\n\\%0%?%%\x%.2x%x  (  P  P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P ܑ P @ P P P P P P P P P P P P P Б P P P P P P P P P P P P P P đ  0    hV $Id: lexicon.y,v 1.19 2002/06/01 00:30:16 lk Exp $>P $$Q   9999999: :: nLH$Id: fat-str.c,v 1.18 2004/03/17 20:14:17 gaal Exp $ [ S F ? 6 (  \} P} h} t} } } } 8| } } } $Id: prop-io.c,v 1.11 2003/03/03 23:53:26 lk Exp $$Id: prop-io.y,v 1.7 2003/02/28 20:18:21 lk Exp $$Id: prop-io.l,v 1.8 2003/03/03 23:59:55 lk Exp $W >N^n~Ώޏ.>N^n~ΐސ.>N^n~Αޑ.>N^n~Βޒ.>N^n~Γޓ/  (  lV `(o(ooGCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-79)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-79)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-79)01.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.01.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.got.rel.bss.rel.plt.init.plt.text.fini.rodata.data.eh_frame.ctors.dtors.got.dynamic.sbss.bss.comment.note# 1((`7 0?Go To(( `c  l  u  ` ~(( # #` 7 X XV X\V \dV dlV l@W TX ``X ` `Z