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Moraceae : The Fig or Mulberry Family

To date 3 species of this family have been collected in the Oapan, San Juan Tetelcingo, and Ameyaltepec area. There are several other Ficus sp. trees that are found in house gardens of Oapan and are apparently not indigenous to the area. The two genera documented are Dorstenia and Ficus.

The following members of this family have been documented in sources consulted on Guerrero flora: Chlorophora mollis, Chlorophora tinctoria, Dorstenia drakena, Dorstenia sp., Ficus carica, Ficus costaricana, Ficus cotinifolia, Ficus elastica, Ficus goldmanii, Ficus mexicana, and Ficus petiolaris.



List of Moraceae species collected, with most common Nahuatl names

Genus species
S. Agustín Oapan
S. Juan Tetelcingo
  Dorstenia contrajerva L.   popoi:toh (not named) (not named)
  Ficus sp. L.   a:matl uwe:i / a:matl pipitsa:wak ixiwyo a:matl wéwé:i a:mat de tla:katl
  Ficus sp. L.   a:mai:iskitl a:mai:skitl a:mai:skitl