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Liliaceae : The Lily Family

To date only one species of this family has been collected in the Oapan, Ameyaltepec, and Tetelcingo region.

The following members of this family have been documented in sources consulted on Guerrero flora: Allium kunthii, Bessera elegans, Calochortus barbatus, Crinum erubescens, Dasylirion lucidum, Echeandia mexicana, Milla biflora, Sprekelia formosissima, Yucca periculosa, Yucca rostrata, and Zephyranthes sessilis.


List of Liliaceae species collected, with most common Nahuatl names

Genus species
S. Agustín Oapan
S. Juan Tetelcingo
  Bessera elegans Schlt.   pipilo:lxo:chitl pipilo:lxo:chitl pipilo:lxo:chitl