Acanthaceae : The Acanthus Family Although there is a fairly wide variety of species of this family documented in central Guerrero (Vargas Pérez collected 13 species in nearby San Francisco Ozomatlán), only two Acanthaceae were recognized and named by Nahuatl consultants. Three species were collected but not named by Nahuatl consultants. The implication of this data is that whereas the area is rich in Acanthaceae, they are not salient in the floristic inventory of Nahuatl speakers.
The following members of this family have been documented in sources consulted on Guerrero flora: Anisacanthus abditus, Anisacanthus ochoterenae, Anisacanthus quadrifidus, Aphelandra sp., Blechum pyramidatum, Carlowrightia costaricana, Dicliptera pringlei, Dischoriste quadrangularis, Elytraria bromoides, Elytraria imbricata, Elytraria sp., Gypsacanthus nelsonii, Holographis argyrea, Holographis sp., Jacobina leucothamna, Justicia breviflora, Justicia corynimorpha, Justicia magniflora, Justicia silvicola, Justicia zopilotensis, Ruellia cupheoides, Ruellia inundata, Ruellia nudiflora, Ruellia nudiflora, Ruellia sororia, Siphonoglossa mexicana, Stenandrium sp., Tetramerium hillii, Tetramerium hispidum, and Tetramerium nervosum. |
List of Acanthaceae species collected, with most common Nahuatl names
Genus species
S. Agustín Oapan
S. Juan Tetelcingo
Elytraria imbricata (Vahl) Pers. | (not named) | ko:ló:patlí / tekwitlanexxihtli ko:ló:patlí | (not named) | ||
Tetramerium cf. nervosum T.F. Daniel | teoo:lo:tsi:n | (not named) | teoho:lo:tsi:n |
List of Acanthaceae species collected that were not identified by Nahuatl consultants
Genus species
S. Agustín Oapan
S. Juan Tetelcingo
Justicia cf. spicigera Schlecht. [#11011C] | (not named) | (not named) | (not named) | ||
Gypsacanthus nelsonii Lott, Jaramillo / Rzedowski [#11010A] | (not named) | (not named) | (not named) | ||
Pseuderanhemum cf. cuspidatum (Nees) Radlk. [#1928A] | (not named) | (not named) | (not named) |