ࡱ> /1.y5@ 0bjbj22 (XX>  >L$######$B%R't##$ G{t$0L$((0(##>>$b$>>b h!v:& 00P/ =!"#$%L@L Normal5$7$8$9DH$_HmH nHsH tHDA@D Default Paragraph FontVi@V  Table Normal :V 44 la (k@(No List 2o2 vernacular5\,o, English6](O( national(O!( regional|o2| GraphicT& #$$d%d&d'dNOPQ,oA, First dualDoQD First plural exclusiveDoaD First plural inclusive0oq0 First plural4o4 First singular.o. Second dual2o2 Second plural6o6 Second singular,o, Third dual0o0 Third plural4o4 Third singular8o8 Non-animate dual<o< Non-animate plural@o@ Non-animate singular&o!& Antonym0O10 BibliographyBOQBB Block Paragraph $`OR Entry Paragraph_%$ ;@`0Pp @ ` @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@d1$^@`a$2Oa2 Borrowed word8Or8 Letter Section'JOJ Centered Paragraph ($a$6O6 Cross-reference,O, Letter (v)4o4 Definition (E)4O4 Definition (n)4O"4 Definition (r)<O< Date (last edited)4o4 Definition (v)BoB Encyclopedic info (E)DOD Encyclopedic info. (n)DO"!D Encyclopedic info. (r)DO1D Etymology (proto form)DoAD Encyclopedic info. (v)*oQ* f_bold5\*oa* f_English.oq. f_italic6],o, f_label6],O, f_national,O", f_regional,O, f_standard0o0 f_vernacular(O( hidden<8O8 Homonym numberH*,O, Letter (E),O, Letter (n)HOQH Indented Paragraph A`<O!< Index of semantics8O18 Lexical function*oA* Literally,oQ, LexemeCJaJBoaB Main entry cross-ref.,oq, Morphology@O@ Notes (anthropology)6O6 Notes (general):O: Notes (discourse)xox Letter Paragraph0K$$&dP]^a$5CJ \aJ 6O6 Notes (grammar):O: Notes (phonology):O: Notes (questions)HOH Notes (sociolinguistics)BoB Only/restrictions (E)BOB Only/restrictions (n)BO"!B Only/restrictions (r)Bo1B Only/restrictions (v)(OA( Paradigm.oa. Plural form>Oq> Phonetic form OJQJkH:o: Part of speech6]BoB Reduplication form(s)0o0 Reversal (E)*O* Reference0O0 Reversal (n)0O"0 Reversal (r)@o@ Scientific name 6>*]6O6 Semantic domain0o0 SubentryCJaJ2o2 Singular form0O!0 Sense number$O1$ Source$OA$ Status&oQ& SynonymbOAbb Table>f )@`0Pp @ ` ^`*oq* Thesaurus@o@ underlined bold 5>*\0O0 underlined>**o* Usage (E)DoD underlined italic 6>*]*O* Usage (n)*O"* Usage (r)*o* Usage (v)6O6 Variant form(s)@o@ Word-level gloss (E)@O@ Word-level gloss (n)@O"!@ Word-level gloss (r)Fo1F Example free trans. (E)`oA` $Example (gloss for interlinearizing)FOQF Example free trans. (n)FO"aF Example free trans. (r).oq. Example (v)FOF Double-column SectionxB`B Header y H$5CJ\aJ4 @4 Footer z H$FOF Single-column Section{~O~ Finderlist Paragraph;| &  @ ` ^`8o8 Headword (E)CJaJ8o8 Headword (n)CJaJDOD Letter Paragraph 1&O& Non-MDF,O, f_analysis&O!& PictureFOQ2F Indent1 Paragraph P`PFOQBF Indent2 Paragraph `FOQRF Indent3 Paragraph p`p0Oa0 Headword (r),Oq, Letter (r)z00O90Authorized Gateway CustomerAuthorized Gateway CustomerAuthorized Gateway CustomerAuthorized Gateway CustomerAuthorized Gateway CustomerAuthorized Gateway CustomerMark R. PedrottiMark R. PedrottiMark R. Pedrotti Karen BusemanVV d &Finish Converting MDFFINISHCONVERTINGMDFFINISHCONVERTINGMDF &Finish exporting from ShoeboxFinish Exporting from ShoeboxFinishExportingFromShoebox.MAIN-11* &Finish Converting MDF&Finish exporting from Shoebox/TemplateProject.FinishExportingFromShoebox.MAIN+TemplateProject.ReverseRightToLeftText.MAINFINISHCONVERTINGMDF+TEMPLATEPROJECT.REVERSERIGHTTOLEFTTEXT.MAIN/TEMPLATEPROJECT.FINISHEXPORTINGFROMSHOEBOX.MAIN@D`@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial?5 z Courier New hR\Ny%xx4i H?MDF National AudienceMark R. PedrottiOh+'0t  0 < HT\dlMDF National Audience1DF DF DF  MDF_nRtl.dotAudMark R. Pedrottienc78kMicrosoft Word 10.0@L@49@Xt՜.+,0 hp|  aA MDF National Audience Title  !"#$%'()*+,-04r3cq6789:;<G>?@ABCDEF5HIJKLNOPQRTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abMdefghijklmnopvtuwx{|}~Root Entry F@t2%1Table (WordDocument(SummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8&Macros>>tG{tVBA >>tstThisDocument   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz|}~rP#xME (SLSS<N0{00020906-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}8(%HxAttribute VB_Name = "ThisDocument" Bas0{00020P906-0C$0046} |GlobalSpacFalse dCreatablPredeclaIdTru BExposeTemplateDerivBustomizD2FinishExportingFromShoebox6=d.ReverseRightToLeftText. S*Rtlrev32  Rtlrev AXt and section formatting (Export Page Setup),del;but all style formatting attributes come from the template.R 2B@P]F 2!V%X.T T 2!ZB@Xate T!^^` 2B@\o(]h]6Cause entries at the end of the double-column sections;to line up by deleting the paragraphs that Shoebox inserts.@This way, the section breaks directly follow the paragraph marks<of the last entry, indented, block, or finderlist paragraph. 2B@4h 2B@f^plnprtvx 2B@j 2%z 2%|' b d bLetter SectionG 2B@~j bSingle-column SectionG 2B@~jk b' d 2B@o]]]] ]8]P]h]]]]1995-06 Melissa Redding1997-09-25 Mark R. PedrottiInserting graphics... 2B@R 2B@Pam ]F 2!V%X.T T 2!ZB@X T! 2B@: 2B@4Graphic'  h 2B@flnprtvx 2B@j 2%z 2B@ 2B@.Note: The comments show a sample graphic fielddi 2%' (sago.pcx;1.25";1.1";PCX '23 ;'-9   $' $6  ;';15 sa    '15   $' :1.25"  ;'920    '04   $' 91.1" 2B@~ $0 2B@ 2B@0"$L 0"$L 0"$L 0"$L 62.5%68.75%   2B@  2B@ 2B@ h 2B@flnprtvx 2B@jo InsertPictures]8]PA1996-01-22 MRP: I think this needs to be rewritten more carefully:Cause Letter Paragraphs to keep with the next (i.e. first)=Entry Paragraph of the section. The ordinary "Keep with next"9paragraph property is defeated by the section break after@the letter heading (when the lexical entries are double-column).=Insert a page break before any Letter Paragraph that is alone=at the bottom of a page (separated from its lexical entries). Checking position of headings... 2B@ 2%' 2B@ 2B@1Cause Word to repaginate after styles are updated 2B@4 2%' 2B@ 2%  2B@ 2%|Double-column Section 2B@ 2B@d0 2B@k 2%' 2B@ 2B@+Return to the original Show/Hide PP setting G 2B@jo 7Attribute VB_Name = "FinishExportingFromShoebox" '| macro for MDF in !p 5.0rVe rsion@lexical data with right-to-left sc ripts52000-07-21 Mark R. PedrottiPublic Sub MAIN() Dim sEnviro@nment$bWindowS 0WordHsFilePathlen(MesPsage Up\eStyle(AlignColumnsAtSectuBre@aks 'b  InsertGraphic KeepHeadWNextE0ntryWBasic.StartOfDocuo)Call "ReveRToLT(."H Rtl rM@[AppInfo$](1)1997-:1@f1'EW (I nStr(, "_") <> &0i' 8-03-17 MRP: The disĦd .DOT ff has t@binar"ymatof" + 6 7.8 (@later) want to savetempits own a. Le@@mAhandlis situazsoa u@y isn't p!pted confir@av{ it,beca A'y bab ly woAun dtt why@happejn.IAÊIsT8Dirty()AWn sA&`>25a ;#);6.0C;1 And 7<A  $\endKeys "%ObUbO@Y rPzxMEp 9P#0#C@  on FP"xP$@& 2000P( *( `T Reve ,Pb-10-Pdows .2PatP@ @ P$@ @ P@ @ P`T  0 @ @  > :@ " "  >  "` F B D8 < D ,0 4`  8  $  H hp    ((0H0P  " < : B(p" " < BH F B 0LH  ( 0( 0  8 H P "X ` h p x         " $ ( "@ h     J  8 H 4` ,   " "( P (p "  &    8 P   J px " H @ D0 @x F D DH . B (8 HXp(    <Pp7FinishExportingFromShoebox macro for MDF in Shoebox 5.03Version for lexical data with right-to-left scripts2000-07-21 Mark R. Pedrotti St]@]X]p]]]A@*A@,! 2000-07-21A@.A@0 2B@4ReverseRightToLeftText.MAIN 2B@(2 Rtl Reverser 2%6' - 1997-10-01 Windows' @ 1998-03-17 MRP: The distributed .DOT file has the binary format< of Word 6 or 7. Word 8 (or later) want to save the template> in its own binary format. Let the macro handle this situation6 so that the user isn't prompted to confirm saving it,> because they probably won't understand why this is happening. 2%8 2%6' " "6.0 "7.0%O 2B@:% Overwrite the same .dot file 2B@<kPkH2 1997-09-17 MRP: Save .RTF file as a Word document 2%>' $ $'&x & $ 2%B$@.rtf $ & 2%D' $  $.doc ' $kpkhk` $ 2B@Fate 2B@H 2B@J Finished exporting from Shoebox.' (  ( $L ' (d ( $L ' (k ("Saved the file as a Word Document. ' ( ( 2B@No MAIN6MDF in Shoebox converts markers to styles and does the4documenwri ?sA.dotBנ<gEafeC_BQ7-09FQSa!E.RTFOOaJdo'K(?_g)Le= 46LCaste(g&[} G , 4)) ".rtf"L, -` )`:  + "8ce)4aiG,!5As -:=I For:= ScreenR@efreshB{csEA)xex$ f {E." g+ Chr(1blseZ3FI#"$ ,d GM@sgBox & f v 'd3Priv VRxqx 'O=Vm}0MBYt Mdoer^'6su_$ (Ê Py S`etup)T -ps9as co2E%aTwB&um yqp s :=o1dlg Q0(Obj@ : !="CMDialogRecЇ.E}tn(FaCurValues/s! IOs :=., LinkR dvPparags![Prevē'Cs2nrir0_ 0|AdoPe-c-Ҕ $T'|line up by` deleR qpu#`iҖs4'Th`sway,av bdir@wfollowg"v rk last ed, block,fArl> v%>a3EdTitGd R:l="Fo ^p",  @0Pb,0tchcWholeЮpnMa So0`sLikeT1, W0'hoF = -T2Q |!$PU[ Q\gt0AT$v$"m q"`9ҹ9WW6_Clea05Spl*Tq7Iy= lD4wRepea""$4Z-=V<@=Field iAfQQ`#s3Widt sHeʷs'À5-06 Me`5sa RedQ25 kntWusBarl "3 LX..p`!S^_-_B1A_7o__h>A.y?or[sGraphicStyle$ = "G" WordBasic.EditFindb :=s$\ f:="", Direction:=0, MatchCaseWholel Pattern"SoundsLik-Format:=1, W"zhile F:()-1 #ndOf Line  CharLeft 1'Note: The comments show a samp>g fielrd6sF;[HSel$]L 'sago.pcx;1.25"@1";PCX l en!`Len(() '23hiAfFhInStr(\A, ";"93 leKMid*,A;L- 1AIWidt +152 C- 7 s * A,R-HeightG -20- -,4 s-@, ,1C!WW6_AClear InsertPictur`e Nam@ȇw,b @kTo0?@Kle Se0tSiz JCr opcb + Chr(34), R,2Top@BottomNS caleX62X.5% Y8<.7#  DD, !/%E~"o_@*Eߟߟޟ en  Sub`gBs P@rivateKeepHeadingWithNextEntry() Dim iViewNl Poa'1996-01-22 MRP: I thinks needs to be rewri!n mo`Scarefully2'Cause LeA Paraek w e` xt (i.e.rst`"Q' ofsC.inary 6"Ac na'p p@Z iy i@s defe@%d byI break at lCh) (whenlexi@X ries double-column).5page bef&any$ atalonned bbi!a" (seted fro`;,S?"ntStatusBar @"Check" pposiQ|!4s...#V%1&P-SuxAll,"%r g`, s1updtartOfDocu[{i@-J G Ne&l@Uos Go akW2If([b1]rRD# S.".ng7[5UpSWW7_BB-Els%!k R GIf; OWM!Reo7o27ori!l /Hide PP s :+ 0Y*0O4U   EPrivB  Dim iViewNo@rmal sFilePath^$AbBasicRtfWindow @'dlgT;s As Ob ject:@>t =B.Dia@logRec.S&(F`e?'Note: T@pf0 shouldpRTF; @can webke suVt i s?H('1) To gerrq& lajCb,DDdone c@Pag vAU with@ hstuff=A&wr R.WaitCurs@w1 'ShowIrglass c AQ0HideBmFpcharact@= @!C+ab%mcreenUpdX Save ti@4byt%"> at work2:wenem@er` xp acolum^pa0breakm'if( 'sminadi=@ʛD4'Jse }``”DInsCbB" 51a#%'(g"bRc) # eC(i.eh@ift+En <)Sa'aenn'`each Tmul$tiB pBgrPaphsAdele spaceh B)AgseL#ೡiM<> 0snH{cgN2) Cc\lo.!w zo`9 Ditz7$gj\[AFrom$]]sd% AppInfo2g (InStr( , "6.0")1 Or;Q7%d0 @)FnR.Und|V|BARqw/ mea|AEqO l #uiGr0ly loadedtnneJDunusiPny qu(ЉpQproduca GPF[!`cess)DASo op uFpPQocimd y whi/5`haGaRnearyy8slpWR[hn# ' \Valuesj n 'Gpfvn07X(O1+:=r.p, AddToMru:=0GActc ]}15e5oq7slowIf0 Ccl_l0|WPl'3) RҘ r utilityt@0m5$ 5[1b5JCI@ ("c.bp", C7Els}.32'`i'4eo9'6SS{&l! OCps9 _ct4(Wit 1)s)u),tJ*?"% >2 'ЭntStatusBar "Finish ys1E*}ԟpBeepqSP ֳ(odAbSmartPΐ$1sML1off #iP8ercUNext?xtCc ' "0WtpKnqEdle@be< f0o }@a D~ *cause`uC[9goXpinfloop$!A HgbToolsOpasڼ7&T U >t .| S/lR P'UV s] w@ulgr p"`J-ersing right-to-left text: inserttline breaks " WordBasic.PrintStatusBar sMessage$ + "0%\EndOfDocumeDntoff = TGetSelUrtPos() 'Offs"eo d='s last charIiPerckWK0[N(($+ 1) * ?) / 10EB YgLChiledCMR(5<> 0dWnot aghe end... HZ 'If t%p hasnged, n updaterogress7@I>AF OTh : F( 8p D F "8@H "PX`hpx" > > 80.h02: @P B >  8 >X , 8 F(p  0 6 > 4X . * 2(.8h2  , & 0 "H p $x      *  &(  P ` 4h    "       B @P "     : >@   2       4( ` >p    "  (  0@ ,X 4 2 0 0( 6X 8  @ B  <h @ :(8P h x    " (H/ReverseRightToLeftText macro for Microsoft WordVersion 3.09 (October 1997)9If your document contains text in a right-to-left script,7then before printing it using a non-Middle-East edition4of Microsoft Word, it must be reversed line-by-line.Reve?If documents based on this template contain right-to-left text,1run this macro as the LAST step before you print.=NOTE: You'll also need to copy the Rtlrev and Rtlrev32 macrosat?to your document template. See rtlrev.txt for more information.A@o@]]]]]]]F 2!V%\.8Note: The file should be in RTF; can we make sure it is?81) To get correct layout for printing, this must be done1in Page Layout view with no hidden stuff showing. 2B@Show the hourglass cursor 2B@Hide non-printing characters 2%' 2B@!Show the text in Page Layout viewx 2B@ %Save time by not showing Word at work:Note: we'll need to insert explicit column and page breaks;if the document's dominant text direction is right-to-left.8These breaks need to be inserted before the line breaks.InsertColumnBreaks '1aInsertPageBreaks '1b81c) Insert explicit breaks (i.e. Shift+Enter) at the end"&of each line in multi-line paragraphs.cr2Also delete the space at the end, if there is one.A@ G 2B@j@2) Save and close the RTF file so that its text can be reversed. 2%>' $ 2B@ 2%6' " "6.0 "7.0' 0Under VBA, if closing the document means closing7the last copy of the template that is currently loaded,-then the currently running macro simply quitsil'(often producing a GPF in the process).#So open up the associated template,+which should have all the necessary macros. 2%'   2!ZB@\8Get the template name. !^ 2B@  2B@,So the file gets closed belowk8 2B@ 2B@Show the ordinary cursor 3) Run the Rtl Reverser utility." "6.0 Rtlrev.bRun $ 2%('med Rtlrev32.bRun $ 2%('kX4) Reopen the document.  $ 2B@  #Reselect the template and close it. !^ 2B@ 2B@k%Finished reversing right-to-left text 2B@ 2B@JkHo ReverseText(]h]]]]]; Smart cut and paste prevents EditClear below from deleting: a space and causes the macro to go into an infinite loop.]F 2!V%.  2!ZB@ !' (  2B@4Use the character offset as the measure of progress.5Reversing right-to-left text: inserting line breaks ' ( (0% 2B@ 2B@ 2%')Offset to document's last char'   d' 2B@4 2B@ 2%'While not at the end... 2%'8If the percentage has changed, then update the progress.   d  2%' ( $ % 2B@   d'k 2B@  2% %What does this condition really mean? -Since a paragraph mark counts as a character,ub ,moving right one from the end of a paragraph *moves to the start of the next. But moving )from the end of a line within a paragraph 0moves past the first character in the next line. $L 2B@&Insert an explicit line break  'k :If there are spaces at the end of the line (or paragraph),<then delete them. Why? They don't count in the line's length5now, but if they get reversed to the line's beginning9they will, and that'll push text off the end of the line,3causing an extra (invalid and unsightly) line wrap. 2B@ 2B@ 2%  2B@~  ' 2B@X 2B@ 2B@ 2B@  Restore the user's setting.  (  2B@o InsertLineBreaks tAttribute VB_Name = "ReverseRightToLeftText" 'l macro for Misoft Wor dbVion 3.09 (October 1997):If your document contains tv in a rA-to-l script,;then bexe printing it usa non-Middle-East edit)9of ,mu!be rd line-by-.VSs b ased mthiVmpla_ ZfYrun ahe LAST stepfh:NOTE: You'll also ne<$topy'e RtlZ and32sZ teU. Se@;!.txtpmore]UmaAK@ Public Sub MAItN(o ă `grP{v WinExecxME0+@ Y`i   Y$t edP@ reve@ Reve 6 H 8 B@HPX@` @ B B(p& ( : :X 6 6 8 @Php/Rtlrev32.bRun macro function for Microsoft Word l]]]2Reversing right-to-left text: running Rtl Reverser 2B@:NOTE: Since we don't want to hard-code an explicit path to<rtlrev32.exe here, we're assuming its folder is on the path,;or, even better, it's someplace like in the Windows folder. rtlrev32.exe $ '  $'# SW_SHOWNORMAL    2B@JUnable to run Rtl Reverser 2B@N 'd3NOTE: In 32-bit Windows, Word doesn't need to yield4for rtlrev32.exe to get a chance to run, but it does0need to be hidden, so that it cannot receive anyi0user interface actions that it'd have to act on.' 2B@ Rtl Reverser 2% 2B@$'Trueki Rtlrev32.bRunapMAttribute VB_Name = "Rtlrev32"  '4.bRun macro function for Mi$soft WordfPrivaDeclare F\WinExec Lib "K ernelf (ByVal lpszCmdLinPe$, uShow As Integer)  me(sFilePath$) Dim sZ hinst FALSE_ aBasic.bntStatusBareversing right-to-leztext: runn R er)'NOTE: Since we don't want to hard-code an explicit Np\I'r.exe here ,#'assu"m;itsld@er is the",!or, Kn betteit's s@omepla%like in @idow.COA $" + G[C BW@ |(F, 1) 'SW_SHOWNORMAL If 0 g*ElLseDpIn"-6bgDH,Btes!tneedyiel'JL}get a cha', @doesb~idden,mjat cannot receivyusrfyas'Xa` FD=G,AppHidy!Wh k"eIs`_(`@o  enh" {1-1'Tru$EBIf &} [ rPnxME @ Y$PP_e@ The@ n coP % 4 P8 Z l PX Z . B8@HP@X @ @ B`& ( < <H 6 6  (0 8H`h-Rtlrev.bRun macro function for Microsoft WordL Word 2000 does not support external functions called from 16-bit libraries.U The declaration has been commented out, because the function will generate an error.h Private Declare Function WinExec Lib "Kernel"(ByVal lpszCmdLine$, ByVal uCmdShow As Integer) As Integern thL Word 2000 does not support external functions called from 16-bit libraries.U The declaration has been commented out, because the function will generate an error.) Private Declare Sub Yield Lib "Kernel"()4]`]x]2Reversing right-to-left text: running Rtl Reverser 2B@:NOTE: Since we don't want to hard-code an explicit path to:rtlrev.exe here, we're assuming its folder is on the path,;or, even better, it's someplace like in the Windows folder.2B@ rtlrev.exe $ '  $'# SW_SHOWNORMALme    2B@Jrk couUnable to run Rtl Reverser 2B@N 'd6NOTE: In Windows 3.1, not only does Word need to yield5so that rtlrev.exe gets a chance to run, but it needs/to be hidden too, so that it cannot receive any0user interface actions that it'd have to act on. 2B@ Rtl Reverser 2%A@ 2B@'Trueki Rtlrev.bRunxAttribute VB_Name = "Rtlrev" ',.bRun macro function f or Mi$soft WordbRem 2000 does not support externals called from 16-bit librari es. PThe declarazhas been comment>out,cause t/will gene 3 aE`I@Else 7In #3.1,onlyC ne :&yTso*at &ge 6a cstdoleP h%^*\G{00020430-C 0046}#2.0#0#C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\STDOLE@2.TLB# Automation0EOffDicEOficEE2DF8D04C-5BFA-101B-BDE5EAAC42Egram Files\CommonMic_VBA_PROJECTzdir{PROJECTwmPROJECTiewNormal5ViewPageJShowAllIGetSelStartPos  GoToNextPageSParaUpIWW7_InsertPageBreak_;ReverseRightToLeftText_ ReverseText bWordBasicsRtfWindowName bReversed܁ dlgTemplates,! WaitCursor)kScreenUpdating! 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