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Example (v)FOF Double-column SectionxB`B Header y H$5CJ\aJ4 @4 Footer z H$FOF Single-column Section{~O~ Finderlist Paragraph;| &  @ ` ^`8o8 Headword (E)CJaJ8o8 Headword (n)CJaJDOD Letter Paragraph 1&O& Non-MDF,O, f_analysis&O!& PictureFOQ2F Indent1 Paragraph P`PFOQBF Indent2 Paragraph `FOQRF Indent3 Paragraph p`p0Oa0 Headword (r),Oq, Letter (r)z00O90Authorized Gateway CustomerAuthorized Gateway CustomerAuthorized Gateway CustomerAuthorized Gateway CustomerAuthorized Gateway CustomerAuthorized Gateway CustomerMark R. PedrottiMark R. PedrottiMark R. Pedrotti Karen Buseman%V d &Finish Converting MDFFINISHCONVERTINGMDFFINISHCONVERTINGMDF &Finish exporting from ShoeboxFinish Exporting from ShoeboxFinishExportingFromShoebox.MAIN-11*t &Finish Converting MDF&Finish exporting from Shoebox/TemplateProject.FinishExportingFromShoebox.MAINFINISHCONVERTINGMDF/TEMPLATEPROJECT.FINISHEXPORTINGFROMSHOEBOX.MAIN@ϩ`@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial?5 z Courier New hQ\N{%xx4di H?%MDF National AudienceMark R. PedrottiOh+'0p  , 8 DPX`hMDF National Audience1DF DF DF  MDF_n.dotalMark R. Pedrottienc78kMicrosoft Word 10.0@.@49@t՜.+,0 hp|  aA MDF National Audience Title  !"#$&'()*+,/32KU56789:D<=>?@ABC4EFGHIJLMNOPQRSTVRoot Entry Ft11Table .'WordDocument(SummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8%Macros PuttVBA PuttThisDocument   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNPQRSTUVWXZ\]^_`b;מ#xME (SLSS<N0{00020906-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}8(%HxAttribute VB_Name = "ThisDocument" Bas0{00020P906-0C$0046} |GlobalSpacFalse dCreatablPredeclaIdTru BExposeTemplateDerivBustomizD2FinishExportingFromShoebox6;s-_VBA_PROJECTdirOJPROJECTwmYz $ 2B@F 2B@H 2B@J Finished exporting from Shoebox.' (  ( $L ' (dP ( $L ' (k0 ("Saved the file as a Word Document. ' ( ( 2B@No MAINio6MDF in Shoebox converts markers to styles and does the4document and section formatting (Export Page Setup),;but all style formatting attributes come from the template.R 2B@P]F 2!V%X.T T 2!ZB@X T!^^` 2B@\o(]h]6Cause entries at the end of the double-column sections;to line up by deleting the paragraphs that Shoebox inserts.@This way, the section breaks directly follow the paragraph marks<of the last entry, indented, block, or finderlist paragraph. 2B@4h 2B@f^plnprtvx 2B@j 2%z 2%|' b d bLetter SectionG 2B@~j bSingle-column SectionG 2B@~jkP b' d 2B@0o(]]]] ]8]P]h]]]]1995-06 Melissa Redding1997-09-25 Mark R. PedrottiInserting graphics... 2B@R 2B@P]F 2!V%X.Tudi T 2!ZB@Xrat T! 2B@: 2B@4Graphic'  h 2B@flnprtvx 2B@jels 2%z 2B@ 2B@.Note: The comments show a sample graphic field 2%' (sago.pcx;1.25";1.1";PCXmp '23 ;'-9   $' $6  ;';15    '15   $' :1.25"  ;'920    '04   $' 91.1" 2B@~ $0 2B@on 2B@0"$L 0"$L 0"$L 0"$L 62.5%68.75%   2B@ e 2B@ 2B@ h 2B@flnprtvx 2B@jo InsertPictures ]8]PA1996-01-22 MRP: I think this needs to be rewritten more carefully:Cause Letter Paragraphs to keep with the next (i.e. first)=Entry Paragraph of the section. The ordinary "Keep with next"9paragraph property is defeated by the section break after@the letter heading (when the lexical entries are double-column).=Insert a page break before any Letter Paragraph that is alone=at the bottom of a page (separated from its lexical entries). Checking position of headings... 2B@ 2%' 2B@ 2B@1Cause Word to repaginate after styles are updated 2B@4 2%' 2B@ 2%  2B@ 2%|Double-column Section 2B@ 2B@d 2B@k 2%' 2B@p 2B@+Return to the original Show/Hide PP setting G 2B@jmmeoAttribute VB_N;}xMEp 7Pdo@  P"xP$ll@& anP(Des *( `T  ,Pbrd 6Pdter) .2Pe thP@ @ P$@ @ P@ @ P`T 0 @ @  > "@ "hpx " F( Bp D < D@ , 4 (0 88p  $      @ P(`0  "  <( :h B"0Hh "px < B F BX L0 @ (P 0x  "     ( 0 8 "X $  "     ( 8 JP    4 , H ` " "  ( " @ &`     h x  J   "  H( @p D @ F8 D D .@ PB`  ( ( 8H P`h x<7FinishExportingFromShoebox macro for MDF in Shoebox 5.0o2000-07-21 Mark R. PedrottiDoc]@]X]p]]]A@*A@,! 2000-07-21A@.A@0 2B@4 2%6' - 1997-10-01 Windows' @ 1998-03-17 MRP: The distributed .DOT file has the binary format< of Word 6 or 7. Word 8 (or later) want to save the template> in its own binary format. Let the macro handle this situation6 so that the user isn't prompted to confirm saving it,> because they probably won't understand why this is happening. 2%8 2%6' " "6.0 "7.0%O 2B@:% Overwrite the same .dot file 2B@<kk2 1997-09-17 MRP: Save .RTF file as a Word document 2%>' $ $'& & $ 2%B$@.rtfel $ & 2%D' $  $.doc ' $kkkame = "FinishExportingFromShoebox" '| macro for MDF in !p 5.0r2000-07-21 Mark R. PedrottiYPublic Sub MAIN() Dim sEnviro@nment$bWindows WordVersion sFil ePathlen /Message UpdateStyle(AlignColumnsAtSect,Bre@aks 'b  InsertGraphic KeepHeadWithNextEntryWBasic.StartOfDoc~uo) y[AppInfo$](1)F1997-11-(InStr(%, "") <> 0X' 8-03-17 MRP: The disDd . DOT fU has t@binary{matof + 6 D7.8 (@lYr) want to savetempits own . 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