# Changes: # # can now specify 'zipfile = None', in this case the Python module # library archive is appended to the exe. # Todo: # # Make 'unbuffered' a per-target option from distutils.core import Command from distutils.spawn import spawn from distutils.errors import * import sys, os, imp, types, stat import marshal import zipfile import sets import tempfile import struct is_win64 = struct.calcsize("P") == 8 def _is_debug_build(): for ext, _, _ in imp.get_suffixes(): if ext == "_d.pyd": return True return False is_debug_build = _is_debug_build() if is_debug_build: python_dll = "python%d%d_d.dll" % sys.version_info[:2] else: python_dll = "python%d%d.dll" % sys.version_info[:2] # resource constants RT_BITMAP=2 # note: we cannot use the list from imp.get_suffixes() because we want # .pyc and .pyo, independent of the optimize flag. _py_suffixes = ['.py', '.pyo', '.pyc', '.pyw'] _c_suffixes = [_triple[0] for _triple in imp.get_suffixes() if _triple[2] == imp.C_EXTENSION] def imp_find_module(name): # same as imp.find_module, but handles dotted names names = name.split('.') path = None for name in names: result = imp.find_module(name, path) path = [result[1]] return result def fancy_split(str, sep=","): # a split which also strips whitespace from the items # passing a list or tuple will return it unchanged if str is None: return [] if hasattr(str, "split"): return [item.strip() for item in str.split(sep)] return str # This loader locates extension modules relative to the library.zip # file when an archive is used (i.e., skip_archive is not used), otherwise # it locates extension modules relative to sys.prefix. LOADER = """ def __load(): import imp, os, sys try: dirname = os.path.dirname(__loader__.archive) except NameError: dirname = sys.prefix path = os.path.join(dirname, '%s') #print "py2exe extension module", __name__, "->", path mod = imp.load_dynamic(__name__, path) ## mod.frozen = 1 __load() del __load """ # A very loosely defined "target". We assume either a "script" or "modules" # attribute. Some attributes will be target specific. class Target: def __init__(self, **kw): self.__dict__.update(kw) # If modules is a simple string, assume they meant list m = self.__dict__.get("modules") if m and type(m) in types.StringTypes: self.modules = [m] def get_dest_base(self): dest_base = getattr(self, "dest_base", None) if dest_base: return dest_base script = getattr(self, "script", None) if script: return os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(script)[0]) modules = getattr(self, "modules", None) assert modules, "no script, modules or dest_base specified" return modules[0].split(".")[-1] def validate(self): resources = getattr(self, "bitmap_resources", []) + \ getattr(self, "icon_resources", []) for r_id, r_filename in resources: if type(r_id) != type(0): raise DistutilsOptionError, "Resource ID must be an integer" if not os.path.isfile(r_filename): raise DistutilsOptionError, "Resource filename '%s' does not exist" % r_filename def FixupTargets(targets, default_attribute): if not targets: return targets ret = [] for target_def in targets: if type(target_def) in types.StringTypes : # Create a default target object, with the string as the attribute target = Target(**{default_attribute: target_def}) else: d = getattr(target_def, "__dict__", target_def) if not d.has_key(default_attribute): raise DistutilsOptionError, \ "This target class requires an attribute '%s'" % default_attribute target = Target(**d) target.validate() ret.append(target) return ret class py2exe(Command): description = "" # List of option tuples: long name, short name (None if no short # name), and help string. user_options = [ ('optimize=', 'O', "optimization level: -O1 for \"python -O\", " "-O2 for \"python -OO\", and -O0 to disable [default: -O0]"), ('dist-dir=', 'd', "directory to put final built distributions in (default is dist)"), ("excludes=", 'e', "comma-separated list of modules to exclude"), ("dll-excludes=", None, "comma-separated list of DLLs to exclude"), ("ignores=", None, "comma-separated list of modules to ignore if they are not found"), ("includes=", 'i', "comma-separated list of modules to include"), ("packages=", 'p', "comma-separated list of packages to include"), ("compressed", 'c', "create a compressed zipfile"), ("xref", 'x', "create and show a module cross reference"), ("bundle-files=", 'b', "bundle dlls in the zipfile or the exe. Valid levels are 1, 2, or 3 (default)"), ("skip-archive", None, "do not place Python bytecode files in an archive, put them directly in the file system"), ("ascii", 'a', "do not automatically include encodings and codecs"), ('custom-boot-script=', None, "Python file that will be run when setting up the runtime environment"), ] boolean_options = ["compressed", "xref", "ascii", "skip-archive"] def initialize_options (self): self.xref =0 self.compressed = 0 self.unbuffered = 0 self.optimize = 0 self.includes = None self.excludes = None self.ignores = None self.packages = None self.dist_dir = None self.dll_excludes = None self.typelibs = None self.bundle_files = 3 self.skip_archive = 0 self.ascii = 0 self.custom_boot_script = None def finalize_options (self): self.optimize = int(self.optimize) self.excludes = fancy_split(self.excludes) self.includes = fancy_split(self.includes) self.ignores = fancy_split(self.ignores) self.bundle_files = int(self.bundle_files) if self.bundle_files < 1 or self.bundle_files > 3: raise DistutilsOptionError, \ "bundle-files must be 1, 2, or 3, not %s" % self.bundle_files if is_win64 and self.bundle_files < 3: raise DistutilsOptionError, \ "bundle-files %d not yet supported on win64" % self.bundle_files if self.skip_archive: if self.compressed: raise DistutilsOptionError, \ "can't compress when skipping archive" if self.distribution.zipfile is None: raise DistutilsOptionError, \ "zipfile cannot be None when skipping archive" # includes is stronger than excludes for m in self.includes: if m in self.excludes: self.excludes.remove(m) self.packages = fancy_split(self.packages) self.set_undefined_options('bdist', ('dist_dir', 'dist_dir')) self.dll_excludes = [x.lower() for x in fancy_split(self.dll_excludes)] def run(self): build = self.reinitialize_command('build') build.run() sys_old_path = sys.path[:] if build.build_platlib is not None: sys.path.insert(0, build.build_platlib) if build.build_lib is not None: sys.path.insert(0, build.build_lib) try: self._run() finally: sys.path = sys_old_path def _run(self): self.create_directories() self.plat_prepare() self.fixup_distribution() dist = self.distribution # all of these contain module names required_modules = [] for target in dist.com_server + dist.service + dist.ctypes_com_server: required_modules.extend(target.modules) # and these contains file names required_files = [target.script for target in dist.windows + dist.console] mf = self.create_modulefinder() # These are the name of a script, but used as a module! for f in dist.isapi: mf.load_file(f.script) if self.typelibs: print "*** generate typelib stubs ***" from distutils.dir_util import mkpath genpy_temp = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, "win32com", "gen_py") mkpath(genpy_temp) num_stubs = collect_win32com_genpy(genpy_temp, self.typelibs) print "collected %d stubs from %d type libraries" \ % (num_stubs, len(self.typelibs)) mf.load_package("win32com.gen_py", genpy_temp) self.packages.append("win32com.gen_py") # monkey patching the compile builtin. # The idea is to include the filename in the error message orig_compile = compile import __builtin__ def my_compile(source, filename, *args): try: result = orig_compile(source, filename, *args) except Exception, details: raise DistutilsError, "compiling '%s' failed\n %s: %s" % \ (filename, details.__class__.__name__, details) return result __builtin__.compile = my_compile print "*** searching for required modules ***" self.find_needed_modules(mf, required_files, required_modules) print "*** parsing results ***" py_files, extensions, builtins = self.parse_mf_results(mf) if self.xref: mf.create_xref() print "*** finding dlls needed ***" dlls = self.find_dlls(extensions) self.plat_finalize(mf.modules, py_files, extensions, dlls) dlls = [item for item in dlls if os.path.basename(item).lower() not in self.dll_excludes] # should we filter self.other_depends in the same way? print "*** create binaries ***" self.create_binaries(py_files, extensions, dlls) self.fix_badmodules(mf) if mf.any_missing(): print "The following modules appear to be missing" print mf.any_missing() if self.other_depends: print print "*** binary dependencies ***" print "Your executable(s) also depend on these dlls which are not included," print "you may or may not need to distribute them." print print "Make sure you have the license if you distribute any of them, and" print "make sure you don't distribute files belonging to the operating system." print for fnm in self.other_depends: print " ", os.path.basename(fnm), "-", fnm.strip() def create_modulefinder(self): from modulefinder import ReplacePackage from py2exe.mf import ModuleFinder ReplacePackage("_xmlplus", "xml") return ModuleFinder(excludes=self.excludes) def fix_badmodules(self, mf): # This dictionary maps additional builtin module names to the # module that creates them. # For example, 'wxPython.misc' creates a builtin module named # 'miscc'. builtins = {"clip_dndc": "wxPython.clip_dnd", "cmndlgsc": "wxPython.cmndlgs", "controls2c": "wxPython.controls2", "controlsc": "wxPython.controls", "eventsc": "wxPython.events", "filesysc": "wxPython.filesys", "fontsc": "wxPython.fonts", "framesc": "wxPython.frames", "gdic": "wxPython.gdi", "imagec": "wxPython.image", "mdic": "wxPython.mdi", "misc2c": "wxPython.misc2", "miscc": "wxPython.misc", "printfwc": "wxPython.printfw", "sizersc": "wxPython.sizers", "stattoolc": "wxPython.stattool", "streamsc": "wxPython.streams", "utilsc": "wxPython.utils", "windows2c": "wxPython.windows2", "windows3c": "wxPython.windows3", "windowsc": "wxPython.windows", } # Somewhat hackish: change modulefinder's badmodules dictionary in place. bad = mf.badmodules # mf.badmodules is a dictionary mapping unfound module names # to another dictionary, the keys of this are the module names # importing the unknown module. For the 'miscc' module # mentioned above, it looks like this: # mf.badmodules["miscc"] = { "wxPython.miscc": 1 } for name in mf.any_missing(): if name in self.ignores: del bad[name] continue mod = builtins.get(name, None) if mod is not None: if mod in bad[name] and bad[name] == {mod: 1}: del bad[name] def find_dlls(self, extensions): dlls = [item.__file__ for item in extensions] ## extra_path = ["."] # XXX extra_path = [] dlls, unfriendly_dlls, other_depends = \ self.find_dependend_dlls(dlls, extra_path + sys.path, self.dll_excludes) self.other_depends = other_depends # dlls contains the path names of all dlls we need. # If a dll uses a function PyImport_ImportModule (or what was it?), # it's name is additionally in unfriendly_dlls. for item in extensions: if item.__file__ in dlls: dlls.remove(item.__file__) return dlls def create_directories(self): bdist_base = self.get_finalized_command('bdist').bdist_base self.bdist_dir = os.path.join(bdist_base, 'winexe') collect_name = "collect-%d.%d" % sys.version_info[:2] self.collect_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.bdist_dir, collect_name)) self.mkpath(self.collect_dir) bundle_name = "bundle-%d.%d" % sys.version_info[:2] self.bundle_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.bdist_dir, bundle_name)) self.mkpath(self.bundle_dir) self.temp_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.bdist_dir, "temp")) self.mkpath(self.temp_dir) self.dist_dir = os.path.abspath(self.dist_dir) self.mkpath(self.dist_dir) if self.distribution.zipfile is None: self.lib_dir = self.dist_dir else: self.lib_dir = os.path.join(self.dist_dir, os.path.dirname(self.distribution.zipfile)) self.mkpath(self.lib_dir) def copy_extensions(self, extensions): print "*** copy extensions ***" # copy the extensions to the target directory for item in extensions: src = item.__file__ if self.bundle_files > 2: # don't bundle pyds and dlls # XXX all dlls are copied into the same directory - a flat name space. # sooner or later that will give conflicts. dst = os.path.join(self.lib_dir, os.path.basename(item.__file__)) self.copy_file(src, dst, preserve_mode=0) self.lib_files.append(dst) else: # we have to preserve the packages package = "\\".join(item.__name__.split(".")[:-1]) if package: dst = os.path.join(package, os.path.basename(src)) else: dst = os.path.basename(src) self.copy_file(src, os.path.join(self.collect_dir, dst), preserve_mode=0) self.compiled_files.append(dst) def copy_dlls(self, dlls): # copy needed dlls where they belong. print "*** copy dlls ***" if self.bundle_files < 3: self.copy_dlls_bundle_files(dlls) return # dlls belong into the lib_dir, except those listed in dlls_in_exedir, # which have to go into exe_dir (pythonxy.dll, w9xpopen.exe). for dll in dlls: base = os.path.basename(dll) if base.lower() in self.dlls_in_exedir: # These special dlls cannot be in the lib directory, # they must go into the exe directory. dst = os.path.join(self.exe_dir, base) else: dst = os.path.join(self.lib_dir, base) _, copied = self.copy_file(dll, dst, preserve_mode=0) if not self.dry_run and copied and base.lower() == python_dll.lower(): # If we actually copied pythonxy.dll, we have to patch it. # # Previously, the code did it every time, but this # breaks if, for example, someone runs UPX over the # dist directory. Patching an UPX'd dll seems to work # (no error is detected when patching), but the # resulting dll does not work anymore. # # The function restores the file times so # dependencies still work correctly. self.patch_python_dll_winver(dst) self.lib_files.append(dst) def copy_dlls_bundle_files(self, dlls): # If dlls have to be bundled, they are copied into the # collect_dir and will be added to the list of files to # include in the zip archive 'self.compiled_files'. # # dlls listed in dlls_in_exedir have to be treated differently: # for dll in dlls: base = os.path.basename(dll) if base.lower() in self.dlls_in_exedir: # pythonXY.dll must be bundled as resource. # w9xpopen.exe must be copied to self.exe_dir. if base.lower() == python_dll.lower() and self.bundle_files < 2: dst = os.path.join(self.bundle_dir, base) else: dst = os.path.join(self.exe_dir, base) _, copied = self.copy_file(dll, dst, preserve_mode=0) if not self.dry_run and copied and base.lower() == python_dll.lower(): # If we actually copied pythonxy.dll, we have to # patch it. Well, since it's impossible to load # resources from the bundled dlls it probably # doesn't matter. self.patch_python_dll_winver(dst) self.lib_files.append(dst) continue dst = os.path.join(self.collect_dir, os.path.basename(dll)) self.copy_file(dll, dst, preserve_mode=0) # Make sure they will be included into the zipfile. self.compiled_files.append(os.path.basename(dst)) def create_binaries(self, py_files, extensions, dlls): dist = self.distribution # byte compile the python modules into the target directory print "*** byte compile python files ***" self.compiled_files = byte_compile(py_files, target_dir=self.collect_dir, optimize=self.optimize, force=0, verbose=self.verbose, dry_run=self.dry_run) self.lib_files = [] self.console_exe_files = [] self.windows_exe_files = [] self.service_exe_files = [] self.comserver_files = [] self.copy_extensions(extensions) self.copy_dlls(dlls) # create the shared zipfile containing all Python modules if dist.zipfile is None: fd, archive_name = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(fd) else: archive_name = os.path.join(self.lib_dir, os.path.basename(dist.zipfile)) arcname = self.make_lib_archive(archive_name, base_dir=self.collect_dir, files=self.compiled_files, verbose=self.verbose, dry_run=self.dry_run) if dist.zipfile is not None: self.lib_files.append(arcname) for target in self.distribution.isapi: print "*** copy isapi support DLL ***" # Locate the support DLL, and copy as "_script.dll", just like # isapi itself import isapi src_name = is_debug_build and "PyISAPI_loader_d.dll" or \ "PyISAPI_loader.dll" src = os.path.join(isapi.__path__[0], src_name) # destination name is "_{module_name}.dll" just like pyisapi does. script_base = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(target.script))[0] dst = os.path.join(self.exe_dir, "_" + script_base + ".dll") self.copy_file(src, dst, preserve_mode=0) if self.distribution.has_data_files(): print "*** copy data files ***" install_data = self.reinitialize_command('install_data') install_data.install_dir = self.dist_dir install_data.ensure_finalized() install_data.run() self.lib_files.extend(install_data.get_outputs()) # build the executables for target in dist.console: dst = self.build_executable(target, self.get_console_template(), arcname, target.script) self.console_exe_files.append(dst) for target in dist.windows: dst = self.build_executable(target, self.get_windows_template(), arcname, target.script) self.windows_exe_files.append(dst) for target in dist.service: dst = self.build_service(target, self.get_service_template(), arcname) self.service_exe_files.append(dst) for target in dist.isapi: dst = self.build_isapi(target, self.get_isapi_template(), arcname) for target in dist.com_server: if getattr(target, "create_exe", True): dst = self.build_comserver(target, self.get_comexe_template(), arcname) self.comserver_files.append(dst) if getattr(target, "create_dll", True): dst = self.build_comserver(target, self.get_comdll_template(), arcname) self.comserver_files.append(dst) for target in dist.ctypes_com_server: dst = self.build_comserver(target, self.get_ctypes_comdll_template(), arcname, boot_script="ctypes_com_server") self.comserver_files.append(dst) if dist.zipfile is None: os.unlink(arcname) else: if self.bundle_files < 3 or self.compressed: arcbytes = open(arcname, "rb").read() arcfile = open(arcname, "wb") if self.bundle_files < 2: # bundle pythonxy.dll also print "Adding %s to %s" % (python_dll, arcname) arcfile.write("") bytes = open(os.path.join(self.bundle_dir, python_dll), "rb").read() arcfile.write(struct.pack("i", len(bytes))) arcfile.write(bytes) # python dll if self.compressed: # prepend zlib.pyd also zlib_file = imp.find_module("zlib")[0] if zlib_file: print "Adding zlib%s.pyd to %s" % (is_debug_build and "_d" or "", arcname) arcfile.write("") bytes = zlib_file.read() arcfile.write(struct.pack("i", len(bytes))) arcfile.write(bytes) # zlib.pyd arcfile.write(arcbytes) #### if self.bundle_files < 2: #### # remove python dll from the exe_dir, since it is now bundled. #### os.remove(os.path.join(self.exe_dir, python_dll)) # for user convenience, let subclasses override the templates to use def get_console_template(self): return is_debug_build and "run_d.exe" or "run.exe" def get_windows_template(self): return is_debug_build and "run_w_d.exe" or "run_w.exe" def get_service_template(self): return is_debug_build and "run_d.exe" or "run.exe" def get_isapi_template(self): return is_debug_build and "run_isapi_d.dll" or "run_isapi.dll" def get_comexe_template(self): return is_debug_build and "run_w_d.exe" or "run_w.exe" def get_comdll_template(self): return is_debug_build and "run_dll_d.dll" or "run_dll.dll" def get_ctypes_comdll_template(self): return is_debug_build and "run_ctypes_dll_d.dll" or "run_ctypes_dll.dll" def fixup_distribution(self): dist = self.distribution # Convert our args into target objects. dist.com_server = FixupTargets(dist.com_server, "modules") dist.ctypes_com_server = FixupTargets(dist.ctypes_com_server, "modules") dist.service = FixupTargets(dist.service, "modules") dist.windows = FixupTargets(dist.windows, "script") dist.console = FixupTargets(dist.console, "script") dist.isapi = FixupTargets(dist.isapi, "script") # make sure all targets use the same directory, this is # also the directory where the pythonXX.dll must reside paths = sets.Set() for target in dist.com_server + dist.service \ + dist.windows + dist.console + dist.isapi: paths.add(os.path.dirname(target.get_dest_base())) if len(paths) > 1: raise DistutilsOptionError, \ "all targets must use the same directory: %s" % \ [p for p in paths] if paths: exe_dir = paths.pop() # the only element if os.path.isabs(exe_dir): raise DistutilsOptionError, \ "exe directory must be relative: %s" % exe_dir self.exe_dir = os.path.join(self.dist_dir, exe_dir) self.mkpath(self.exe_dir) else: # Do we allow to specify no targets? # We can at least build a zipfile... self.exe_dir = self.lib_dir def get_boot_script(self, boot_type): # return the filename of the script to use for com servers. thisfile = sys.modules['py2exe.build_exe'].__file__ return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(thisfile), "boot_" + boot_type + ".py") def build_comserver(self, target, template, arcname, boot_script="com_servers"): # Build a dll and an exe executable hosting all the com # objects listed in module_names. # The basename of the dll/exe is the last part of the first module. # Do we need a way to specify the name of the files to be built? # Setup the variables our boot script needs. vars = {"com_module_names" : target.modules} boot = self.get_boot_script(boot_script) # and build it return self.build_executable(target, template, arcname, boot, vars) def get_service_names(self, module_name): # import the script with every side effect :) __import__(module_name) mod = sys.modules[module_name] for name, klass in mod.__dict__.items(): if hasattr(klass, "_svc_name_"): break else: raise RuntimeError, "No services in module" deps = () if hasattr(klass, "_svc_deps_"): deps = klass._svc_deps_ return klass.__name__, klass._svc_name_, klass._svc_display_name_, deps def build_service(self, target, template, arcname): # It should be possible to host many modules in a single service - # but this is yet to be tested. assert len(target.modules)==1, "We only support one service module" cmdline_style = getattr(target, "cmdline_style", "py2exe") if cmdline_style not in ["py2exe", "pywin32", "custom"]: raise RuntimeError, "cmdline_handler invalid" vars = {"service_module_names" : target.modules, "cmdline_style": cmdline_style, } boot = self.get_boot_script("service") return self.build_executable(target, template, arcname, boot, vars) def build_isapi(self, target, template, arcname): target_module = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(target.script))[0] vars = {"isapi_module_name" : target_module, } return self.build_executable(target, template, arcname, None, vars) def build_executable(self, target, template, arcname, script, vars={}): # Build an executable for the target # template is the exe-stub to use, and arcname is the zipfile # containing the python modules. from py2exe_util import add_resource, add_icon ext = os.path.splitext(template)[1] exe_base = target.get_dest_base() exe_path = os.path.join(self.dist_dir, exe_base + ext) # The user may specify a sub-directory for the exe - that's fine, we # just specify the parent directory for the .zip parent_levels = len(os.path.normpath(exe_base).split(os.sep))-1 lib_leaf = self.lib_dir[len(self.dist_dir)+1:] relative_arcname = ((".." + os.sep) * parent_levels) if lib_leaf: relative_arcname += lib_leaf + os.sep relative_arcname += os.path.basename(arcname) src = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), template) # We want to force the creation of this file, as otherwise distutils # will see the earlier time of our 'template' file versus the later # time of our modified template file, and consider our old file OK. old_force = self.force self.force = True self.copy_file(src, exe_path, preserve_mode=0) self.force = old_force # Make sure the file is writeable... os.chmod(exe_path, stat.S_IREAD | stat.S_IWRITE) try: f = open(exe_path, "a+b") f.close() except IOError, why: print "WARNING: File %s could not be opened - %s" % (exe_path, why) # We create a list of code objects, and write it as a marshaled # stream. The framework code then just exec's these in order. # First is our common boot script. boot = self.get_boot_script("common") boot_code = compile(file(boot, "U").read(), os.path.abspath(boot), "exec") code_objects = [boot_code] if self.bundle_files < 3: code_objects.append( compile("import zipextimporter; zipextimporter.install()", "", "exec")) for var_name, var_val in vars.items(): code_objects.append( compile("%s=%r\n" % (var_name, var_val), var_name, "exec") ) if self.custom_boot_script: code_object = compile(file(self.custom_boot_script, "U").read() + "\n", os.path.abspath(self.custom_boot_script), "exec") code_objects.append(code_object) if script: code_object = compile(open(script, "U").read() + "\n", os.path.basename(script), "exec") code_objects.append(code_object) code_bytes = marshal.dumps(code_objects) if self.distribution.zipfile is None: relative_arcname = os.path.basename(exe_path) si = struct.pack("iiii", 0x78563412, # a magic value, self.optimize, self.unbuffered, len(code_bytes), ) + relative_arcname + "\000" script_bytes = si + code_bytes + '\000\000' self.announce("add script resource, %d bytes" % len(script_bytes)) if not self.dry_run: add_resource(unicode(exe_path), script_bytes, u"PYTHONSCRIPT", 1, True) # add the pythondll as resource, and delete in self.exe_dir if self.bundle_files < 2 and self.distribution.zipfile is None: # bundle pythonxy.dll dll_path = os.path.join(self.bundle_dir, python_dll) bytes = open(dll_path, "rb").read() # image, bytes, lpName, lpType print "Adding %s as resource to %s" % (python_dll, exe_path) add_resource(unicode(exe_path), bytes, # for some reason, the 3. argument MUST BE UPPER CASE, # otherwise the resource will not be found. unicode(python_dll).upper(), 1, False) if self.compressed and self.bundle_files < 3 and self.distribution.zipfile is None: zlib_file = imp.find_module("zlib")[0] if zlib_file: print "Adding zlib.pyd as resource to %s" % exe_path zlib_bytes = zlib_file.read() add_resource(unicode(exe_path), zlib_bytes, # for some reason, the 3. argument MUST BE UPPER CASE, # otherwise the resource will not be found. u"ZLIB.PYD", 1, False) # Handle all resources specified by the target bitmap_resources = getattr(target, "bitmap_resources", []) for bmp_id, bmp_filename in bitmap_resources: bmp_data = open(bmp_filename, "rb").read() # skip the 14 byte bitmap header. if not self.dry_run: add_resource(unicode(exe_path), bmp_data[14:], RT_BITMAP, bmp_id, False) icon_resources = getattr(target, "icon_resources", []) for ico_id, ico_filename in icon_resources: if not self.dry_run: add_icon(unicode(exe_path), unicode(ico_filename), ico_id) for res_type, res_id, data in getattr(target, "other_resources", []): if not self.dry_run: if isinstance(res_type, str): res_type = unicode(res_type) add_resource(unicode(exe_path), data, res_type, res_id, False) typelib = getattr(target, "typelib", None) if typelib is not None: data = open(typelib, "rb").read() add_resource(unicode(exe_path), data, u"TYPELIB", 1, False) self.add_versioninfo(target, exe_path) # Hm, this doesn't make sense with normal executables, which are # already small (around 20 kB). # # But it would make sense with static build pythons, but not # if the zipfile is appended to the exe - it will be too slow # then (although it is a wonder it works at all in this case). # # Maybe it would be faster to use the frozen modules machanism # instead of the zip-import? ## if self.compressed: ## import gc ## gc.collect() # to close all open files! ## os.system("upx -9 %s" % exe_path) if self.distribution.zipfile is None: zip_data = open(arcname, "rb").read() open(exe_path, "a+b").write(zip_data) return exe_path def add_versioninfo(self, target, exe_path): # Try to build and add a versioninfo resource def get(name, md = self.distribution.metadata): # Try to get an attribute from the target, if not defined # there, from the distribution's metadata, or None. Note # that only *some* attributes are allowed by distutils on # the distribution's metadata: version, description, and # name. return getattr(target, name, getattr(md, name, None)) version = get("version") if version is None: return from py2exe.resources.VersionInfo import Version, RT_VERSION, VersionError version = Version(version, file_description = get("description"), comments = get("comments"), company_name = get("company_name"), legal_copyright = get("copyright"), legal_trademarks = get("trademarks"), original_filename = os.path.basename(exe_path), product_name = get("name"), product_version = get("product_version") or version) try: bytes = version.resource_bytes() except VersionError, detail: self.warn("Version Info will not be included:\n %s" % detail) return from py2exe_util import add_resource add_resource(unicode(exe_path), bytes, RT_VERSION, 1, False) def patch_python_dll_winver(self, dll_name, new_winver = None): from py2exe.resources.StringTables import StringTable, RT_STRING from py2exe_util import add_resource new_winver = new_winver or self.distribution.metadata.name or "py2exe" if self.verbose: print "setting sys.winver for '%s' to '%s'" % (dll_name, new_winver) if self.dry_run: return # We preserve the times on the file, so the dependency tracker works. st = os.stat(dll_name) # and as the resource functions silently fail if the open fails, # check it explicitly. os.chmod(dll_name, stat.S_IREAD | stat.S_IWRITE) try: f = open(dll_name, "a+b") f.close() except IOError, why: print "WARNING: File %s could not be opened - %s" % (dll_name, why) # OK - do it. s = StringTable() # 1000 is the resource ID Python loads for its winver. s.add_string(1000, new_winver) delete = True for id, data in s.binary(): add_resource(unicode(dll_name), data, RT_STRING, id, delete) delete = False # restore the time. os.utime(dll_name, (st[stat.ST_ATIME], st[stat.ST_MTIME])) def find_dependend_dlls(self, dlls, pypath, dll_excludes): import py2exe_util sysdir = py2exe_util.get_sysdir() windir = py2exe_util.get_windir() # This is the tail of the path windows uses when looking for dlls # XXX On Windows NT, the SYSTEM directory is also searched exedir = os.path.dirname(sys.executable) syspath = os.environ['PATH'] loadpath = ';'.join([exedir, sysdir, windir, syspath]) # Found by Duncan Booth: # It may be possible that bin_depends needs extension modules, # so the loadpath must be extended by our python path. loadpath = loadpath + ';' + ';'.join(pypath) templates = sets.Set() if self.distribution.console: templates.add(self.get_console_template()) if self.distribution.windows: templates.add(self.get_windows_template()) if self.distribution.service: templates.add(self.get_service_template()) for target in self.distribution.com_server: if getattr(target, "create_exe", True): templates.add(self.get_comexe_template()) if getattr(target, "create_dll", True): templates.add(self.get_comdll_template()) templates = [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), t) for t in templates] # We use Python.exe to track the dependencies of our run stubs ... images = dlls + templates self.announce("Resolving binary dependencies:") # we add python.exe (aka sys.executable) to the list of images # to scan for dependencies, but remove it later again from the # results list. In this way pythonXY.dll is collected, and # also the libraries it depends on. alldlls, warnings, other_depends = \ bin_depends(loadpath, images + [sys.executable], dll_excludes) alldlls.remove(sys.executable) for dll in alldlls: self.announce(" %s" % dll) # ... but we don't need the exe stubs run_xxx.exe for t in templates: alldlls.remove(t) return alldlls, warnings, other_depends # find_dependend_dlls() def get_hidden_imports(self): # imports done from builtin modules in C code (untrackable by py2exe) return {"time": ["_strptime"], ## "datetime": ["time"], "cPickle": ["copy_reg"], "parser": ["copy_reg"], "codecs": ["encodings"], "cStringIO": ["copy_reg"], "_sre": ["copy", "string", "sre"], } def parse_mf_results(self, mf): for name, imports in self.get_hidden_imports().items(): if name in mf.modules.keys(): for mod in imports: mf.import_hook(mod) tcl_src_dir = tcl_dst_dir = None if "Tkinter" in mf.modules.keys(): import Tkinter import _tkinter tk = _tkinter.create() tcl_dir = tk.call("info", "library") tcl_src_dir = os.path.split(tcl_dir)[0] tcl_dst_dir = os.path.join(self.lib_dir, "tcl") self.announce("Copying TCL files from %s..." % tcl_src_dir) self.copy_tree(os.path.join(tcl_src_dir, "tcl%s" % _tkinter.TCL_VERSION), os.path.join(tcl_dst_dir, "tcl%s" % _tkinter.TCL_VERSION)) self.copy_tree(os.path.join(tcl_src_dir, "tk%s" % _tkinter.TK_VERSION), os.path.join(tcl_dst_dir, "tk%s" % _tkinter.TK_VERSION)) del tk, _tkinter, Tkinter # Retrieve modules from modulefinder py_files = [] extensions = [] builtins = [] for item in mf.modules.values(): # There may be __main__ modules (from mf.run_script), but # we don't need them in the zipfile we build. if item.__name__ == "__main__": continue if self.bundle_files < 3 and item.__name__ in ("pythoncom", "pywintypes"): # these are handled specially in zipextimporter. continue src = item.__file__ if src: base, ext = os.path.splitext(src) suffix = ext if sys.platform.startswith("win") and ext in [".dll", ".pyd"] \ and base.endswith("_d"): suffix = "_d" + ext if suffix in _py_suffixes: py_files.append(item) elif suffix in _c_suffixes: extensions.append(item) if not self.bundle_files < 3: loader = self.create_loader(item) if loader: py_files.append(loader) else: raise RuntimeError \ ("Don't know how to handle '%s'" % repr(src)) else: builtins.append(item.__name__) # sort on the file names, the output is nicer to read py_files.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a.__file__, b.__file__)) extensions.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a.__file__, b.__file__)) builtins.sort() return py_files, extensions, builtins def plat_finalize(self, modules, py_files, extensions, dlls): # platform specific code for final adjustments to the file # lists if sys.platform == "win32": # pythoncom and pywintypes are imported via LoadLibrary calls, # help py2exe to include the dlls: if "pythoncom" in modules.keys(): import pythoncom dlls.add(pythoncom.__file__) if "pywintypes" in modules.keys(): import pywintypes dlls.add(pywintypes.__file__) self.copy_w9xpopen(modules, dlls) else: raise DistutilsError, "Platform %s not yet implemented" % sys.platform def copy_w9xpopen(self, modules, dlls): # Using popen requires (on Win9X) the w9xpopen.exe helper executable. if "os" in modules.keys() or "popen2" in modules.keys(): if is_debug_build: fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), "w9xpopen_d.exe") else: fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), "w9xpopen.exe") # Don't copy w9xpopen.exe if it doesn't exist (64-bit # Python build, for example) if os.path.exists(fname): dlls.add(fname) def create_loader(self, item): # Hm, how to avoid needless recreation of this file? pathname = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, "%s.py" % item.__name__) # and what about dry_run? if self.verbose: print "creating python loader for extension '%s'" % item.__name__ fname = os.path.basename(item.__file__) source = LOADER % fname if not self.dry_run: open(pathname, "w").write(source) else: return None from modulefinder import Module return Module(item.__name__, pathname) def plat_prepare(self): self.includes.append("warnings") # needed by Python itself if not self.ascii: self.packages.append("encodings") self.includes.append("codecs") if self.bundle_files < 3: self.includes.append("zipextimporter") self.excludes.append("_memimporter") # builtin in run_*.exe and run_*.dll if self.compressed: self.includes.append("zlib") # os.path will never be found ;-) self.ignores.append('os.path') # update the self.ignores list to ignore platform specific # modules. if sys.platform == "win32": self.ignores += ['AL', 'Audio_mac', 'Carbon.File', 'Carbon.Folder', 'Carbon.Folders', 'EasyDialogs', 'MacOS', 'Mailman', 'SOCKS', 'SUNAUDIODEV', '_dummy_threading', '_emx_link', '_xmlplus', '_xmlrpclib', 'al', 'bundlebuilder', 'ce', 'cl', 'dbm', 'dos', 'fcntl', 'gestalt', 'grp', 'ic', 'java.lang', 'mac', 'macfs', 'macostools', 'mkcwproject', 'org.python.core', 'os.path', 'os2', 'poll', 'posix', 'pwd', 'readline', 'riscos', 'riscosenviron', 'riscospath', 'rourl2path', 'sgi', 'sgmlop', 'sunaudiodev', 'termios', 'vms_lib'] # special dlls which must be copied to the exe_dir, not the lib_dir self.dlls_in_exedir = [python_dll, "w9xpopen%s.exe" % (is_debug_build and "_d" or ""), "msvcr71%s.dll" % (is_debug_build and "d" or "")] else: raise DistutilsError, "Platform %s not yet implemented" % sys.platform def find_needed_modules(self, mf, files, modules): # feed Modulefinder with everything, and return it. for mod in modules: mf.import_hook(mod) for path in files: mf.run_script(path) mf.run_script(self.get_boot_script("common")) if self.distribution.com_server: mf.run_script(self.get_boot_script("com_servers")) if self.distribution.ctypes_com_server: mf.run_script(self.get_boot_script("ctypes_com_server")) if self.distribution.service: mf.run_script(self.get_boot_script("service")) if self.custom_boot_script: mf.run_script(self.custom_boot_script) for mod in self.includes: if mod[-2:] == '.*': mf.import_hook(mod[:-2], None, ['*']) else: mf.import_hook(mod) for f in self.packages: def visit(arg, dirname, names): if '__init__.py' in names: arg.append(dirname) # Try to find the package using ModuleFinders's method to # allow for modulefinder.AddPackagePath interactions mf.import_hook(f) # If modulefinder has seen a reference to the package, then # we prefer to believe that (imp_find_module doesn't seem to locate # sub-packages) if f in mf.modules: module = mf.modules[f] if module.__path__ is None: # it's a module, not a package, so paths contains just the # file entry paths = [module.__file__] else: # it is a package because __path__ is available. __path__ # is actually a list of paths that are searched to import # sub-modules and sub-packages paths = module.__path__ else: # Find path of package try: paths = [imp_find_module(f)[1]] except ImportError: self.warn("No package named %s" % f) continue packages = [] for path in paths: # walk the path to find subdirs containing __init__.py files os.path.walk(path, visit, packages) # scan the results (directory of __init__.py files) # first trim the path (of the head package), # then convert directory name in package name, # finally push into modulefinder. for p in packages: if p.startswith(path): package = f + '.' + p[len(path)+1:].replace('\\', '.') mf.import_hook(package, None, ["*"]) return mf def make_lib_archive(self, zip_filename, base_dir, files, verbose=0, dry_run=0): from distutils.dir_util import mkpath if not self.skip_archive: # Like distutils "make_archive", but we can specify the files # to include, and the compression to use - default is # ZIP_STORED to keep the runtime performance up. Also, we # don't append '.zip' to the filename. mkpath(os.path.dirname(zip_filename), dry_run=dry_run) if self.compressed: compression = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED else: compression = zipfile.ZIP_STORED if not dry_run: z = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_filename, "w", compression=compression) for f in files: z.write(os.path.join(base_dir, f), f) z.close() return zip_filename else: # Don't really produce an archive, just copy the files. from distutils.file_util import copy_file destFolder = os.path.dirname(zip_filename) for f in files: d = os.path.dirname(f) if d: mkpath(os.path.join(destFolder, d), verbose=verbose, dry_run=dry_run) copy_file( os.path.join(base_dir, f), os.path.join(destFolder, f), preserve_mode=0, verbose=verbose, dry_run=dry_run ) return '.' ################################################################ class FileSet: # A case insensitive but case preserving set of files def __init__(self, iterable=None): self._dict = {} if iterable is not None: for arg in iterable: self.add(arg) def __repr__(self): return "" % (self._dict.values(), id(self)) def add(self, fname): self._dict[fname.upper()] = fname def remove(self, fname): del self._dict[fname.upper()] def __contains__(self, fname): return fname.upper() in self._dict.keys() def __getitem__(self, index): key = self._dict.keys()[index] return self._dict[key] def __len__(self): return len(self._dict) def copy(self): res = FileSet() res._dict.update(self._dict) return res # class FileSet() def bin_depends(path, images, excluded_dlls): import py2exe_util warnings = FileSet() images = FileSet(images) dependents = FileSet() others = FileSet() while images: for image in images.copy(): images.remove(image) if not image in dependents: dependents.add(image) abs_image = os.path.abspath(image) loadpath = os.path.dirname(abs_image) + ';' + path for result in py2exe_util.depends(image, loadpath).items(): dll, uses_import_module = result if os.path.basename(dll).lower() not in excluded_dlls: if isSystemDLL(dll): others.add(dll) continue if dll not in images and dll not in dependents: images.add(dll) if uses_import_module: warnings.add(dll) return dependents, warnings, others # DLLs to be excluded # XXX This list is NOT complete (it cannot be) # Note: ALL ENTRIES MUST BE IN LOWER CASE! EXCLUDED_DLLS = ( "advapi32.dll", "comctl32.dll", "comdlg32.dll", "crtdll.dll", "gdi32.dll", "glu32.dll", "opengl32.dll", "imm32.dll", "kernel32.dll", "mfc42.dll", "msvcirt.dll", "msvcrt.dll", "msvcrtd.dll", "ntdll.dll", "odbc32.dll", "ole32.dll", "oleaut32.dll", "rpcrt4.dll", "shell32.dll", "shlwapi.dll", "user32.dll", "version.dll", "winmm.dll", "winspool.drv", "ws2_32.dll", "ws2help.dll", "wsock32.dll", "netapi32.dll", "gdiplus.dll", ) # XXX Perhaps it would be better to assume dlls from the systemdir are system dlls, # and make some exceptions for known dlls, like msvcr71, pythonXY.dll, and so on? def isSystemDLL(pathname): if os.path.basename(pathname).lower() in ("msvcr71.dll", "msvcr71d.dll"): return 0 if os.path.basename(pathname).lower() in EXCLUDED_DLLS: return 1 # How can we determine whether a dll is a 'SYSTEM DLL'? # Is it sufficient to use the Image Load Address? import struct file = open(pathname, "rb") if file.read(2) != "MZ": raise Exception, "Seems not to be an exe-file" file.seek(0x3C) pe_ofs = struct.unpack("i", file.read(4))[0] file.seek(pe_ofs) if file.read(4) != "PE\000\000": raise Exception, ("Seems not to be an exe-file", pathname) file.read(20 + 28) # COFF File Header, offset of ImageBase in Optional Header imagebase = struct.unpack("I", file.read(4))[0] return not (imagebase < 0x70000000) def byte_compile(py_files, optimize=0, force=0, target_dir=None, verbose=1, dry_run=0, direct=None): if direct is None: direct = (__debug__ and optimize == 0) # "Indirect" byte-compilation: write a temporary script and then # run it with the appropriate flags. if not direct: from tempfile import mktemp from distutils.util import execute script_name = mktemp(".py") if verbose: print "writing byte-compilation script '%s'" % script_name if not dry_run: script = open(script_name, "w") script.write("""\ from py2exe.build_exe import byte_compile from modulefinder import Module files = [ """) for f in py_files: script.write("Module(%s, %s, %s),\n" % \ (`f.__name__`, `f.__file__`, `f.__path__`)) script.write("]\n") script.write(""" byte_compile(files, optimize=%s, force=%s, target_dir=%s, verbose=%s, dry_run=0, direct=1) """ % (`optimize`, `force`, `target_dir`, `verbose`)) script.close() cmd = [sys.executable, script_name] if optimize == 1: cmd.insert(1, "-O") elif optimize == 2: cmd.insert(1, "-OO") spawn(cmd, verbose=verbose, dry_run=dry_run) execute(os.remove, (script_name,), "removing %s" % script_name, verbose=verbose, dry_run=dry_run) else: from py_compile import compile from distutils.dir_util import mkpath from distutils.dep_util import newer from distutils.file_util import copy_file for file in py_files: # Terminology from the py_compile module: # cfile - byte-compiled file # dfile - purported source filename (same as 'file' by default) cfile = file.__name__.replace('.', '\\') if file.__path__: dfile = cfile + '\\__init__.py' + (__debug__ and 'c' or 'o') else: dfile = cfile + '.py' + (__debug__ and 'c' or 'o') if target_dir: cfile = os.path.join(target_dir, dfile) if force or newer(file.__file__, cfile): if verbose: print "byte-compiling %s to %s" % (file.__file__, dfile) if not dry_run: mkpath(os.path.dirname(cfile)) suffix = os.path.splitext(file.__file__)[1] if suffix in (".py", ".pyw"): compile(file.__file__, cfile, dfile) elif suffix in _py_suffixes: # Minor problem: This will happily copy a file # .pyo to .pyc or .pyc to # .pyo, but it does seem to work. copy_file(file.__file__, cfile, preserve_mode=0) else: raise RuntimeError \ ("Don't know how to handle %r" % file.__file__) else: if verbose: print "skipping byte-compilation of %s to %s" % \ (file.__file__, dfile) compiled_files = [] for file in py_files: cfile = file.__name__.replace('.', '\\') if file.__path__: dfile = cfile + '\\__init__.py' + (optimize and 'o' or 'c') else: dfile = cfile + '.py' + (optimize and 'o' or 'c') compiled_files.append(dfile) return compiled_files # byte_compile() # win32com makepy helper. def collect_win32com_genpy(path, typelibs): import win32com from win32com.client import gencache, makepy old_gen_path = win32com.__gen_path__ num = 0 try: win32com.__gen_path__ = path win32com.gen_py.__path__ = [path] gencache.__init__() for info in typelibs: # It seems bForDemand=True generates code which is missing # at least sometimes an import of DispatchBaseClass. # Until this is resolved, set it to false. # What's the purpose of bForDemand=True? Thomas ## makepy.GenerateFromTypeLibSpec(info, bForDemand = True) makepy.GenerateFromTypeLibSpec(info, bForDemand = False) # Now get the module, and build all sub-modules. mod = gencache.GetModuleForTypelib(*info) for clsid, name in mod.CLSIDToPackageMap.items(): try: gencache.GetModuleForCLSID(clsid) num += 1 #print "", name except ImportError: pass return num finally: # restore win32com, just in case. win32com.__gen_path__ = old_gen_path win32com.gen_py.__path__ = [old_gen_path] gencache.__init__() # utilities hacked from distutils.dir_util def _chmod(file): os.chmod(file, 0777) # Helper for force_remove_tree() def _build_cmdtuple(path, cmdtuples): for f in os.listdir(path): real_f = os.path.join(path,f) if os.path.isdir(real_f) and not os.path.islink(real_f): _build_cmdtuple(real_f, cmdtuples) else: cmdtuples.append((_chmod, real_f)) cmdtuples.append((os.remove, real_f)) cmdtuples.append((os.rmdir, path)) def force_remove_tree (directory, verbose=0, dry_run=0): """Recursively remove an entire directory tree. Any errors are ignored (apart from being reported to stdout if 'verbose' is true). """ import distutils from distutils.util import grok_environment_error _path_created = distutils.dir_util._path_created if verbose: print "removing '%s' (and everything under it)" % directory if dry_run: return cmdtuples = [] _build_cmdtuple(directory, cmdtuples) for cmd in cmdtuples: try: cmd[0](cmd[1]) # remove dir from cache if it's already there abspath = os.path.abspath(cmd[1]) if _path_created.has_key(abspath): del _path_created[abspath] except (IOError, OSError), exc: if verbose: print grok_environment_error( exc, "error removing %s: " % directory)